Day 17

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Today's story is by Brit (lovejainaalways)

It was a week before Christmas, Andy and Robert had been working on themselves and seeing Diane for couples counseling. They have made a lot of progress and are taking things slow. Andy was getting tired of couch surfing, and at their last counseling session Robert had asked Andy to move back in with him. He knew they were not rushing things, and she knew there was a spare room. Robert had told her if she wasn't ready to sleep in the same bed with him just yet she could use the spare room. She smiled at the thought of just going home to her safe place with her husband. This year was hard on her, with losing her best friend, her dad passing away, finding out her mother was alive, building a relationship with her aunt, uncle, and cousin Michelle, and now losing Dean. 

Andy had been thinking a lot about what Robert said, she couldn't sleep and all she could think about was having a Christmas tree and being in her home, making memories with her husband. She knew he was on shift for a few more hours, so she packed up her bag and headed to the car. She got in and left heading for Roberts. She arrived at his house, parked the car and grabbed her bag. She walked up the walkway, took her key out and walked inside. She took in the scent of the house, and she smiled because it smelled just like her husband. She walked upstairs and placed her bag in their bedroom, she walked down the hall into the spare room and opened the door. All the boxes she had brought over after her dad passed away, were still sitting in the corner. Andy walked over to the boxes and opened the box that said Christmas on it. She never realized everything her dad had saved from when she was growing up. Andy started to cry looking at everything. Andy loved Christmas, but this one was very different. She started pulling out the items, she decided to start putting up some stuff. She wanted to surprise Robert when he got home. Andy poured a glass of her favorite wine, put on some music and just started decorating. The only thing missing was a tree, that was something her and Robert wanted to do together. She had lost track of time, and was getting tired. She sat down on the sofa and ended up drifting off to sleep.

A few hours later, shift had just ended for Robert, he hadn't heard from Andy since the day before. He sent her a text.."hey babe, hope you're doing ok, thinking about you and missed talking to you last night. Please let me know if you're ok." Andy was out cold and didn't hear her phone chime. Robert got in his car and drove home. Once he arrived, he was very surprised to see Andy's car parked out front. He wasn't sure if she was ok, but seeing her car made him smile because he knew she was safe. He walked into the house quietly not knowing if she was asleep, and he knew she wasn't sleeping well. When he walked in his eyes grew wide, seeing so many Christmas decorations throughout the house, when he walked in he saw Andy sound asleep on the sofa, with dried tear stains on her cheeks. He frowned seeing that, he knew she was crying and when he looked around he could see why. She must have gone through her dad's boxes, seeing things Andy made as a child hung in their home and her dad's stocking hanging above the fireplace. Robert knew this Christmas was going to be hard on her, and he just wanted to be there for her anyway she needed him. He grabbed a blanket and covered her, kissed her on the head. She didn't wake up, so he decided to pick her up and carry her upstairs and put her in bed. He wanted to respect her so he carried her into the spare room and laid her on the bed. As he was covering her up she started to wake up. Robert brushed her hair out of her eyes and told her to go back to sleep, she grabbed his arm and asked her to stay with her. He agreed to stay, he laid down next to her and she curled up in his arms and fell back to sleep with her head on his chest. A few hours later Robert woke up with Andy wrapped in his arms, he smiled, kissed her on the head, and whispered in her ear..."welcome home Andy, i've missed you!" When she heard those words she whispered back i missed you too, thank you for letting me come back home. They both got up, Andy went to go shower and Robert headed downstairs to make them some food. When Andy got out of the shower she walked into their bedroom to get dressed. She smelled garlic, and she knew he was making spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. Andy got dressed in comfortable clothes, with one of his shirts, she hurried downstairs and wrapped her arms around him. He turned around and hugged her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. They sat down for dinner and talked. Robert told her that he loved how she decorated the house. She asked if they could go look for a tree tomorrow since they both had off. Robert said that was a great idea and they would pick out a big tree. They spent the rest of the night talking and then watched a movie. Andy curled up in Robert's arms and ended up falling asleep towards the end of the movie. Robert tried to wake her, and in his attempt she opened her eyes and all she said was take me to our bedroom. Neither of them were fully ready to make love, they just wanted to cuddle and be together. Robert changed into his pajama bottoms and took his shirt off and laid down on his side of the bed. They drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Andy woke up before Robert. She tried not to wake him but when she moved her arm, he grabbed it and pulled her closer. Don't get up just yet, let's stay here a little longer. He held her close, and gave her a kiss, she kissed him back. Their kisses became deeper and more passionate. Before it could go too far Andy pulled away, it had been a while since they made love. They were taking things slow this time. They just laid in bed and cuddled for another hour, then got up to get ready. Today they were heading to go pick out their first tree together. They both showered and ate breakfast, it was about noon and they headed out to the christmas tree farm. Andy and Robert were both excited to be doing this together. They arrived at the tree farm, parked the car, Robert got out and went around to open the door for Andy. The two walked hand in hand looking for the perfect tree, when Andy looked to her right she saw the perfect tree. Babe we should get that one, it was a 7 foot tree and full. He agreed, that's a perfect tree, I'll have to help you put the star on top, he joked. She laughed and said I suppose you will have to lift me up with our big, strong arms. Just seeing her happy and excited made him smile. They paid for the tree and had it loaded onto the suv, and headed home. Andy couldn't wait to get home with Robert and decorate the tree together. They had gotten all the ornaments on the tree and wrapped garland and lights around it, it was now time to add the star. Andy grabbed it out of the box and while holding it she had a flashback of her dad and her decorating the tree after her mother was gone. She started to cry and Robert quickly went to her side and just held her. Babe its ok, your dad is always with us, and he is forever in your heart. Andy looked at the fireplace and saw his urn sitting there. They had moved it into the living room so her dad would be closer since they spent a lot of time downstairs. Andy smiled and walked over to her dad's urn and put his old christmas hat on top, and whispered i love you papi! Then turned to Robert and said ok, i'm ready to put the star on. He picked her up and she placed the star on, he lowered her down and she turned around and kissed him. Their kisses became more passionate, robert picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he carried her upstairs. Robert laid her on the bed and he climbed on top of her. He stopped for a second and asked are you sure you want to do this? Andy replied yes, I just want you, all of you!. At those words they both stripped out of their clothes and made love to one another. 

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