Day 19

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Today's story is by Gigi (blacklistPi)

Standing back to study the Christmas surprise that he had arranged for Andy, Sullivan eyed the transformed living room with a critical eye. He wasn't really on for the holidays but for someone reason Andy loved it.

Certain Andy would be impressed by the wintry Christmas wonderland that had popped up in their living room. He lit the Spiced Orange and Cinnamon candles that Andy said smelled like Christmas and headed upstairs to change. After the whirlwind of a year they had had, he wanted this to be special for his wife.

After a while he heard her car pull up and he rushed downstairs to greet her at the door. As she walked towards him, she looked a little perplexed, although it was nice to see her husband at the door waiting for her, it kind of seemed strange but she thought nothing of it.

"It's okay, leave the bags in the car. I'll get them later" he told her. Something was off she thought but she did as he asked. "Right, so I have a surprise for you, but first you have to put on a blindfold" he said

"I don't like surprises Robert, I thought we talked about this?" responded Andy quirking her eyebrow.

"I am pretty sure you're going to like this!" he smugly replied.

She walked up the steps and turned around so that he could cover her eyes with the black cloth that he had in his hand" I really hope this is not some 50 shades of Grey kind of shit". She muttered.

He laughed as he spun around to face the door and hand in hand guided slowly through the front door. Once they were inside, he took one last glance at the scene before him to make sure that he hadn't missed anything.

The coffee table near the fire place had been replaced with plush, luxurious bedding. A stack of presents had been carefully arranged around the Christmas tree. A bottle of champagne chilled in an ice bucket on the other side of the room near a light buffet of fruit, cheese and chocolate in case Andy wanted a snack before bed.

Carefully untying the blindfold, he pulled it free and said, "Merry Christmas, kitten."

Her sharp inhale told him he had hit the mark. "Robert! What did you do? How did you have time for all this?" She spun round to look at him and smiled enthusiastically. She was speechless: being Andy Herrera that never happened.

As he led her to their makeshift bed and headed over and opened the champagne pouring it into two flutes. He handed one flute to her and bought over a stack of presents.

"Right, before you start ripping into your presents, there is one rule. Every time you open a present, you have to remove one item of clothing" he said as he slid his hands down her arms. He was glad she had already taken off her jacket because it made it easier for him.

She grinned crookedly, never in a million years had she thought that she would be here spending Christmas with Robert again but she was and she had never felt so content as she did in that moment.

"Okay, but first I want you to open mine. I have a feeling that once I start opening boxes we will forget."

She slowly took the small box under the tree and handed it to him. As he opened it, she hoped that he would like it. Inside the box was a passport . It seemed odd that Andy would give a passport especially because those were things that were kept in the safe. As he opened it to the front page, he realised what it was. It read "Andrea Sullivan"

She had changed her name! He pulled her into his lap and hugged her kissing her deeply.

"Are you sure about this? He said worriedly.

"Yup, I'll still be Herrera at work to save on confused but I want the whole world to know that I am you wife." She replied. "I am proud of you and I am proud that you chose me to be your wife."

He laughed and handed her a small ring box " Well I guess you should open this one first then"

As she took the box, she weighed it in her hands. As she opened it, she shocked to find that it was a set of rings; a princess cut emerald set in diamonds on white gold engagement ring and a wedding band that matched. This was the ring that she had always dreamed of. She had never told anyone but somehow, he had known.

He took the ring and slid it slowly on to Andy finger and kissed her palm. Looking up at the gorgeous Latina who had chosen him as the keeper of her heart, Robert understood how incredibly lucky he was in life. Every decision he had made, some good and others terrible mistakes, had brought him to this woman, to the love of his life.

Although this Christmas was sweeter than any other in his life, he fully intended to make next year's even better. 

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