Day 13

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Today's story is by Em (Jainaxgrey)

"So how are we going to do tonight?" Robert asked?

"Same as last year?" Andy responded " we will watch a Christmas movie either a Christmas carol or the grinch and they will put out the cookies and cream then we will put them to bed at like 8pm they can have a little bit of a late night since it's Christmas"

"Sounds good" Robert spoke as her rolled Andy on top and started a passionate kiss

"Robert the kids could walk in at any point"

Andy giggled

"Shh they aren't here yet" Robert responded deeping the kiss

With that the bedroom door opened and Andy jumped of Robert to sit up and in ran their twin girls and their little boy

"Morning! Mama! Dada!" Elle their youngest said

"Mama hi!" Their middle child lyla said

"Dada Santa comes tonight!" Their oldest child Lucas said

"Yes he does but he doesn't deliver to big kids so he won't deliver to you

"No he will I only 5!" Lucas shouted

"And I only 3" their twin girls said in sync

Which caused everyone to laugh

"Let's go get ready for the day" Robert said

Time skip to the evening

"Shall we put our pjs on and go get ready for Santa to come?" Andy said

"Yes mama wear matching pjs?" Elle said

"Yes now come on put your pjs on so we can watch the movie"

The family all got dressed into their matching pjs and went downstairs to start the movie

Andy cuddled into Robert as their children layed around them

Their smallest and youngest child Elle sat on roberts knee cuddling into his chest.

lucas sat on the big arm chair with a big blanket and hot coco in his hands

While lyla layed onto Andy while also star fishing on the side of the sofa that no one was on

As the film came to the end Elle was falling asleep on Roberts chest and Andy was alseep layed with her head on his lap.

"Shall we get Santa and his reindeers their food ready?" Robert asked

"Yes!" Lyla and Lucas shouted as they jumped up and ran into the kitchen

As Andy opened her eyes as she had fallen asleep during the movie again.

"Come on let go get Santa's things ready" Robert spoke as he passed Elle to her mom as she was tired.

"Shall we put you to bed?" Andy asked elle

"No I need to give Santa his milk"Elle spoke with a sleepy voice

"So how many carrots do we need?" Robert asked

"9!!" Lyla and Lucas shouted as Robert got the carrots out

"And what are there names?" Andy asked

"Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen" Lucas said

"Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen" lyla added

"and Rudolph" Elle spoke softly

They put the treats by the trees and went up to their beds

And pulled elles sheets back and layed her in

Bed and kissed her forehead good night and tucked her in bed With her pink rabbit tucked under her arm

"Good night baby" Andy spoke

Elle was already fast asleep but lyla was wide awake

"Get in bed now please" Andy said in a deep tone

"Okay mama I love you" lyla spoke as she grabbed her purple rabbit and got under he covers

"Good night my little angel now close your eyes and sleep otherwise Santa won't come" Andy said as lyla closed her eyes

With a kiss good night Andy got up as. Walked over to the door as Robert stepped in

"Elles fast off lyla is still awake so you can speak to her" Andy said as Robert and Andy went to tuck Lucas in

When Andy walked in her boy was fast asleep cuddling his blue rabbit teddy

"Good night my big boy" he said as she kissed his forehead

Robert and Andy walked down stairs and started to dance he spun her around and kissed her lips

"So Santa where is my gift?"

"You'll get that tonight" he said as her shared a look with her as she let out a giggle putting the last gifts under the tree.

As the night went on all 5 Sullivan family members were fast asleep waiting for the magical day to happen

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