"I'm getting a drink you want one?" MJ asked. "Yeah, sure." I replied. She left to get them for us and i looked for Peter in the crowd. My eyes came across him, leaning against a sofa. I headed towards him. "Hey Peter!" I called to him. He turned to look at me and smiled. As i came closer, i saw who he had been talking to, Liz. She smiled weakly at me but I didn't return it. "You look great." He told me. I smiled awkwardly and thanked him. Out of the corner of my eye i saw Liz rolling her eyes. "My dad says happy birthday by the way." I told him. His face lit up. "Really? Tell Mr Stark thank you." He beamed. Liz edged into the conversation again, "So it's true, Tony Stark is your dad?" She asked. I sighed under my breath. "Yes, he is." I told her. She frowned, "So how come you were in Sokovia, and how come no one ever knew before?" She asked invasively. "Tony likes to keep parts of his lives very private." I told her. "And I never lived with him before, I lived with my mum until..." Thankfully, I didn't have to finish my sentence which is good because I didn't have an ending willing to give.

 Flash shouted from the DJ deck, interrupting me. "Look everyone it's Penis Parker!" Peter blushed and looked down awkwardly. I rolled my eyes and , because i knew Peter wouldn't reply, i did. "Oh look it's Twat Thompson!" People laughed and Flash, although growing red, smiled. "And look whose with him, the famous Alena...or Clara Stark should I say. We've all seen you on the news in action but i'd like to see you in a different kind of action, if you know what i mean." I thrust my middle finger towards him and turned around. 

"Hey so what's it really like to have Tony Stark for a dad then?" Liz asked me, continuing her previous conversation. "He's a pain in my ass, but he has his moments." I told her. "I mean he's like a billionaire, you must have the nicest things." She said. "I guess some stuff, but i don't really feel the need for expensive stuff." I explained. Liz leant against Peter, like she was marking her territory. "Really? I always expected you to be so spoiled." I gritted my teeth and smiled in a satire manner. "Well i lived a lot of my life with not a lot, so i guess i just don't feel the need for riches." I told Liz.

 I looked over my shoulder for MJ but she still wasn't back. "And what was it like at Hydra?" She asked. My jaw locked. "What?" I questioned. "Hydra. You were experimented on there right? Or was that also a lie." I clenched my teeth. "It's none of your business really." I said sharply. "I was just wondering, because well we all saw you at the news in Sokovia and then Tony Stark said you were kidnapped..." I pressed my lips in a hard line. "Yes i was there." I said out of frustration. "Because if you were there, well SHIELD said that the experiments hadn't worked on you is that true." She just kept going, wouldn't stop talking. "So that shielding thing, is that a part of the suit?" I snapped my head towards her. "Hey maybe we should-" Peter started, standing in between us. "No, Peter it's fine." I told him, not moving my eyes from Liz's smug face. "If your talking about the Shadowhunter, it's not me." I told her. "But you know who it is." Liz said. "Why would i know who she is?" I spoke back. "Because your friends with all the avengers aren't you?" I raised a brow. "The Shadowhunter isn't an avenger." I informed her. "But she fights with them, like at the mall a couple months ago and at that cafe with black widow." I sucked on my teeth, "What's your point?" I asked her. Liz smiled innocently. "I'm just curious." I grimaced at her.

 There was a short silence, Peter glanced nervously between the two of us. Then Liz spoke again. "Hey what are the avenger's like?" She asked. "They're ok." I told her. "What about the new one, oh what's her name? Wanda! She was at Hydra with you as well wasn't she. It's so sad about her poor brother, oh what was his name?" I was ready to lunge at her but luckily MJ entered at that exact moment. "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" She asked, passing me a bottle of beer. "Oh me and Liz were just having a really interesting conversation about the avengers." I told her. 

Obviously MJ picked up on something because she pulled on my arm and said we should check on Ned. "That bitch." I muttered as we walked away. "Are you ok?" MJ asked. "Yes, but i really don't like that Liz." She had been purposely trying to get me angry. "Are you jealous?" MJ laughed. "What?" I asked. "Of her and Peter." MJ prompted. "No, why would i be jealous? I don't like Peter." I laughed. "Ok, ok, whatever you say." She mumbled. I don't know what MJ was going on about, she must be crazy, or drunk. I took another swig from my bottle as we spotted Ned chatting to Betty. He waved at us and said one more word to her then came running up to us. "Guess what! I asked her to prom! And she said yes!" He exclaimed. Ned glowed as we congratulated him. "Ok, I gotta go back to her, see you later." He said, running off again. 

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