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"Rowan" my dad said, with a knock on the door. I groaned and threw a pillow over my head, even though I knew it would mess up my hair, not like I even cared anymore. "Open the door" He said. I groaned again and threw my pillow down on the bed, making my thin hair staticky. I got up and opened the door.

"Don't give me the attitude, Rowan." He warned. I looked down at the carpet, not wanting to make eye contact. "Trust me, I can tell he's trouble and you don't want that drama in the way of your life." I didn't say anything. "How about you go help your mother and wash the dishes?" He said in a way where I didn't have a choice.

I didn't speak as I rinsed off the dishes. I absolutely hated doing the dishes because I hated getting all the nasty food on my hands. I quickly loaded the dishwasher and cleaned off my hands before going back upstairs. I showered and did some math homework before giving up and getting in my bed. I shut my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep. After a good hour of trying to get in the perfect position to go to sleep in, I finally fell asleep.

The sound of the alarm clock is sheer torture to me. It gets on my last nerve how in advertisements and films people wake up refreshed and energized. Lies. If they would just stick cameras on normal people, they could see the real and awful truth of what it is like waking up on a school morning.

I tried to give myself some kind of cute hairstyle, but I gave up in rage after my comb got stuck in my hair and I pulled out a wad of hair trying to get it out. I found a pair of jeans on the floor and put them on, and a plain navy and coral striped shirt with nmy white converse. "Tyler let's go!" I yelled, going out to my car and getting it started.

When we made it to the school, I went strait to my locker to get my books before going to homeroom. I was trying to put a little concealer on when my locker door was slammed shut and I met with Brian. "Hey there pretty lady" He said seductively. I stared down at the ground. He put his finger underneath my chin and lifted it up. "I said hello." He snapped.

"Hi" I mumbled. " I don't believe we got to finish our time together in the way I had hoped." He stated. "Yeah well maybe you can find someone who is availible" I spoke up. "Nah I think I like you." He smirked. He took my math text book out of my grip and held it over his head. "Come on and give me a chance little lady" He said. I shook my head. "I know you want to. Don't you, Rowan?" He growled. How on earth did he know my name? I didn't recall telling him.

"Give me the bloody book, Brain." I snapped. "Hey hey do bad girls get what they want?" He questioned. I looked around, hoping one of my friends, or even better, Ashton, would come rescue me. I turned around the leave, but he quickly grabbed me. "Get the heck away from me you freak!" I hissed.

"Excuse you Rowan. That's no way to talk to me, now is it?" He snorted. "I'll talk to you however I want to talk to you" I retorted. "You'll change your mind. You want me away now but you'll be begging for me later" He said. "BRAIN!" Someone yelled. I whipped my head around to see Kirstie. 

"Kirtsie" Brain groaned. "Leave the girl alone you butthole" She yelled at him, snatching my math book away from him and leading me away back to her locker. "Girl" She said, almost laughing. "What is wrong with him?" I asked, a little bit shocked of the way he talked to me. "Brain is one messed up kid, thats for sure." She stated. "You see, he had an older brother who is in jail now, or so I hear. He got Brain to get tattoos without permission, taught him how to be a player, and smoke. He idolized his brother." She explained.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked in astonishment. Kirstie seemed to know everything about everyone. "Well, when you're someone like me who just hangs around, you see people and you watch them and you listen. By listening and watching, you can learn one's story. Plus, I was one of the first girls that was ever cheated on by him." 

I gasped a little. "Yeah yeah I get that a lot." She smiled. "Honestly, those things don't get me worked up. I'll never cry over a boy because they're stupid. Don't ever let your lover get the best of you because if they treat you poorly they aren't worth your time. He cheated on me and I dumped his sorry butt." 

Our conversation was cut short when the bell rang. "So are you going to stick around during lunch?" Kirstie asked. "Why wouldn't I? It's not like I have anywhere to be." I answered. "Luke is gonna try to impress Paige." She answered with a giggle. "Honestly I don't see it working out. It's your classic love story. He loves her and if she loves him back kaboom they're a couple. Then there's always a girl who wants the guy but he's taken. In this story that girl is probably Lindsay." She said. 

Not to be rude or anything, but Kirstie came across like she thought she knew it all and it was annoying.

A/N- I'm baaaaackkkkk!!! Did you miss me???? Quick little update on muh life- the outer banks was fun but it is awesome to be back home in my own bed with my craptop (laptop that is a piecce of crap). So school is starting up again Monday so I'll be updating like I normally do, which means new chapters every day or every other day. I have so many great ideas I can't wait to put to use! Also, I've noticed that the number of votes and reads has gone down some, along with the comments, so I have some ideas for the engagement of my readers!! Pleasey please help me reach my goals for the number of votes I'd like, and help my story become more popular! It would mean the world! Also, you guys are very important to me so I wanna get to know you guys a little better! Comment below and tell me about yourself! Your name, where you are from, hobbies, fangirl-isms, and maybe some ideas for the story??? Yah that's all I've got for now!! Byaaaa!!!

X- Liv


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