Compromise (In between chapter)

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Ashton pulled away from me and smiled. "We're all good" Ashton said, eyes sparkling.

"Well that's good!" Calum smiled. His face became more serious. "Do we talk to Luke now?" "Might as well" I sighed. "Luke!!!!!" Ashton called

Luke came walking into Ashton's room, putting on an innocent expression. "Hey guys what's up?" He asked. "Luke you lied to me." I snapped. "What?" He said, pretending to be confused. "Luke! You lied to me about Ashton! You said he punched you, but you really punched him first!" I shouted. "Rowan what on earth are you saying?" 

"Explain where this giant purple bruise came from!" I said, pointing to Ashton's jaw. "Luke you lied to me." I said again. "I heard you the first time!" He yelled back. "Why would you lie to me, Luke?! I'm supposed to be your best friend!" I yelled. "Rowan! I wanted you! I was jealous and I just don't think your family will approve of Ashton!" "Who are you to judge?! I can date whomever I please!" "Tell that to your dad! You used to hate Ashton!"

"You're the one who tried to set me up with her!" Ashton chimed in. "Listen, I'm sorry guys." Luke mumbled. "I'll stay out of your dating business." "Sorry isn't going to fix this Luke" Ashton barked. I put my hand on Ashton's shoulder, signaling for him to just stop.

"Luke" I said, taking his hands in mine. Ashton looked jealous. "I forgive you Luke, because that's what friends do. You were a complete jerk, but we aren't going to hold a grudge." I  said softly. I looked over at Ash. "Right, Ashy?" He nodded. "I forgive you" I repeated. "But it's going to take a while for you to regain my trust." 

Luke nodded and looke down at his feet. I looked at Luke, than at Ashton. "You two talk it out. I'm gonna go start dinner" I stated. Ashton nodded. I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. I stood at the door,  listening.

"I'm sorry, Ashton" Luke mumbled. "It's alright, mate. You're like a brother to me, and brother's fight. It's a part of life. Bring it in" I heard Ashton say. I was guessing that they were having a 'bro hug' or whatever you call it. 

"Maybe I can help you hook up with a girl. There's a lot of hotties I know" Ashton offered. "Sounds cool" Luke responded. I figured that they were done talking. I ran down the stairs and turned on the stove top and began to boil water, just as the guys came downstaris.

"Talked it out?" I asked. "Yep" Ashton said, coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "We're gonna help Luke find a babe when we get home." Ashton told me. "Which is in just two weeks!" Luke said.

"Well once we get home, we only have one week before school starts up again." Michael said, walking into the kitchen. "Ouch that sucks" I groaned. Ashton giggled and we all went back to what we were doing

*Two weeks later*

We all stepped off of the airplane, happy to be back home in Australia. "It's so good to be home!" Luke smiled, taking in the Australian atmosphere. We all went to baggage claim before heading towards the front of the airport, where Michael's and Calum's mums were to take us home. Michael ran into his mother's arms with a bright smile. "Hi Mummy!" He yelled, hugging her tight. Calum gave a hug to his mom, before we loaded up the mini van and piled in.

"Did you guys have a good summer?" Calum's mum asked. "It was the best!" Luke chimed in. "DId you all behave yourselves? Didn't have to run from the police or anything did you?" MIchael's mum joked. Ashton looked at me with a smirk before answering "We were good." He winked at me. 

"Ashton got himself a girlfriend!" Michael shouted. "Michael shut up" Ashton snapped playfully. "Oh really who?" MIchael's mum asked. "It's really not that big of a-" "IT'S ROWAN!" Calum shouted. "Cal!" 

"Aw that's adorable!" Calum's mum smiled. Ashton's face turned a little red but he sluffed it off and pecked my lips. "Well, Rowan, we're at your house!" Michael's mum said. I looked out the window and realized that we were in my driveway. 

"You want help with that luggage?" Ashton offered. "Yeah" I replied, climbing out of the van. "Bye guys! Text you later!" I shouted to the guys. "Bye!" They all said in unison. Ashton helped me get my suitcases and pecked my lips again. 

We walked up the path to my front door, where I ran the doorbell. My mum came to the door and practically screamed "ROWAN!" She hugged me tightly. "Air mom... air" I gasped. 

She let go of me and looked up at Ashton. "Who's this gentleman?" She asked. "Mum this is Ashton. He was at the summer house." I told her. She smiled at Ashton, who shook her hand, trying to be as polite as possible. "Ashton Irwin" He said. 

My mum smiled at introduced herself, and Ash helped me carry my suitcases in before leaving. My mum followed me up to my room to help me unpack."So Rowan" She began. I looked up from my bags at her. Whenever she said 'So Rowan' I knew that she had important news. "Please don't tell me we're moving." I giggled. 

"Well sort of..." She said. I gasped. "Mum no! We can't move!" I cried. "No, Ro. Let me finish, for goodness sakes." She said. "The tution for your school has gone up, and we can't afford it, so you will have to switch schools for your senior year." She stated. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

"Okay, where are we going then?" I asked curiously. "Norwest Christian College. I think that's Luke's school." She informed me "Okay" was all I said. "Luke is cute" She began. "Maybe he should be your first boyfriend." She said. "You're joking." I laughed. "No, for real." 

She looked at the shirt I was wearing. "I've never seen that shirt before. Is it new?" "Yes" I answered, throwing a pile of clothes in the hamper. "What's a Nirvana?" She questioned. "It's a band. Ashton gave me this shirt." "Oh I see." "He's cute, right?" I asked. My mum shrugged. "Mum we're kinda sorta dating, just fyi." I told her.

"Really? Him? Isn't he that, well what did you cann him- oh right, that 'Dingbat' you had to tutor?" She asked. "Well, yes, and I'm going to tutor him again next year, but I got to know him over the summer and he's a really cool guy." I said. My mum sighed again "Luke was sure cute..." "Mum seriously?!" She laughed her weird, goat like laugh and continued to help me unpack.

A/N- this is one of those boring in between chapters, but more stuff is going to happen in the next chapters. Can we get this story to 1000 views and 300 votes in one month's time???? Please comment! I love reading your feedback!

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