Date at Eight pt. 2

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After about ten minutes, we pulled into the parking lot of the local skating rink. I practically dragged him in there. The lights were purple, red, and green. They were blacklights. The music was blasting and the smell of pizza and popcorn filled the air. Just how I liked it. Ashton paid our admission fee an we got our rental skates. 

​I sat down on a bench and put my skates on. "Oh gosh these are heavy!" Ashton said. He went to stand up but immediately fell on his behind. I giggled. "Oh come here you." He said grabbing my hand. He pulled me out on the rink. I clutched onto the wall and slowly began to waddle. "I thought you said you were good at this." Ashton teased. 

​"I said I liked it. Doesn't mean I'm good at it." I said with a laugh. ​​​​​​​​The second I let go of the wall I fell forward. Ashton broke out in laughter. "Oh shush" I said, using his hand to pull myself back up. Twenty seconds later, he fell on his butt again. I broke out laughing. "Stop laughing it isn't funny!" Ashton said, cracking up. "It isn't?" "Nope" 

​He took my hand and we went around the rink together. As we zoomed in circles, I noticed a tall blonde quiff. I stopped in my tracks and fell over, bringing Ashton down with me. "What happened?" He said, giggling. ​​​​"I thought I saw Luke." I said, breathless. "Don't be ridiculous, Rowan. Plenty of people have quiffs." He said, helping me back up. "Relax, babe." He said. This made my heart flutter. He called me babe! 

​We continued to circle around and talk and laugh, when I could have sworn I saw florescent blue hair. I did a double take, and saw nothing. "I think I'm getting a little worn out, Ashton." I said, deciding it was time to take a break. "You can call me Ash." He offered. "Okay, Ash." I said with a smile. "Oh my gosh I saw it again!" I said. "Saw what?" "Florescent blue hair!" "Ro, you're loosing it. Let's go get some ice cream." He said, taking my hand and walking back to the bench to take our skates off. ​​​​After we turned in the roller skates, we got in Ash's car to go get ice cream.

​We went to the ice cream shop and picked out our flavors and took a seat at one of the outside tables. "What flavor did you get?" I asked him. "Mint chocolate" He said, taking another lick of his. "What about you?" "Rainbow." "What's a rainbow supposed to taste like?" "Yummy" "I want a lick." "Take one then" I said, handing him my cup. He took my spoon and took a bite​​​​. "It's fruity!" He said with a giggle. "Excuse me" A lady with a toddler holding her hand said. "Yes?" I said, looking up from my ice cream. "You two are such an adorable couple." She said. "Oh, we're not a cou-" I began "Thank you!" Ashton said all smiles. She smiled at us and left.

​I looked at Ashton, and he looked at me. "Please Rowan?" He said. I knew exactly what he meant. "I'll give you one chance." I said seriously. "Don't mess it up." "I won't, trust me" He said, taking my hand and kissing it. After ice cream, we went back to the summer house, where I thanked Ashton and ran into the living room to say to the rest of the boys while Ashton ran into the shower. 

​"Hey how was your date?" Michael asked. "It was amazing!" I said, kicking off my shoes. "How was rollerskating?" Luke asked. "Super fun! How did you know that's where we went?" I asked. "We gave him the idea!" Calum said excitedly. Luke made a funny face. Weird. "It was super funny! I saw two guys with a tall blonde quiff and bright blue hair just like yous!" "Heh, that's funny." Michael said oddly. Luke got up and went to his room.

​"What's his deal?" I asked Michael. Michael didn't make eye contact. "Michael..." "Lukewenttospyonyoutomakesureashdidnthurtyou" Michael blurted. "whoa whoa slow down" "Luke and I went and followed you on your date because Luke didn't want Ashton to hurt you." Michael said. "Oh I see" I said, getting up. My happy mood just went down the drain. I rushed up to Luke's room and barged in. "Oh hi, Rowan!" Luke said happily. "Luke. Why did you spy on me on my date!" I questioned. "What?" "Michael told me. How could you, Luke! I thought you were going to chill out!" "I don't want him to hurt you!" "Why! You were trying to get me to like him and now you're being like some overprotective dad!" "I care, Rowan. He hurt you once, I'm not going to let him hurt you again!" "You stay out of our relationship! You're my best friend too, and I love you, but I want you to relax!" 


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