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*Two Months Later*

Two months passed by. Rowan and Ashton continued to sneak out and go on dates. Luke always found out and he was hurt, but he didn't say anything. Slowly but surely, Rowan changed from her good girl image to more of a bad girl. Ashton was definitely changing her as a person, and Luke and the others were starting to notice it.

"Rowan wanna do something fun?" Ashton asked me. I looked up from my laptop. "What now?" I playfully groaned. "Well," He began, snaking his arm around my waist. He had this smirk which told me that he was up to no good. He took my laptop off of my lap and googled something on google images.

"What's that, babe?" I asked, confused. He turned the computer around to show me a bunch of pictures of little tattoos. "You should get one!" He suggested. "Ashton! I could never get a permanent marking on my body!" I said. "Why not? You could get something small! We could get matching ones!" He pleaded. "I don't know, Ash..." I replied, unsure. I couldn't imagine what my parents would say.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Calum asked, taking a seat next to me on the couch. "Ash, tell him what you wanna do." I said, nudging him. "Tattoos!" He said with a cheeky grin. I poked his dimples. "No tattoos, baby" "That would be cool!" Calum encouraged. "You guys are gonna convince me! Stop it!" I said while giggling. Ashton fiddled with my shirt and traced my hip with his long finger. "You could get a cute little something on your hip..." He said with that adorable smirk. "We'll go with you..." Calum sang. I got up, but Ashton pulled me back down into his lap. "I know you want to, Ro" He teased. I huffed loudly. "Get your car keys and your wallet- you're paying." I said to him.

"Yay!" He squealed. He bounced up and ran up to his room to get his stuff. We left the house and got in the car. I got in the front seat before I was doomed to the back as usual. We drove to the nearest tattoo salon and got out of the car. I clutched onto Ashton's arm as we walked in. "Ashton I changed my mind I wanna go back home." I squeaked. "No going back." Calum said with a laugh.

I decided to get a little elephant tattoo on my left hip. Ashton and Calum came back with me while the artist got everything ready. "Ashton I really changed my mind." I said seriously. "It's too late, baby" He said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. I bit my tongue the minute the artist began working. It was like a sharp, burning sensation on my skin.

We came home from the tattoo parlor at around 4:00. We walked inside the house laughing and talking. "You should have seen your face!" Calum joked. "It hurt, okay?!" I giggled. "Where were you guys?" An upset Luke said. "What do you mean?" Calum asked, just as confused as I was. "You left the house and me and Mikey had no idea and none of you answered my texts." "Oh" was all Ashton simply said. "We just went out for a little. Nothing important." I said, trying to avoid telling him about the tattoos. He would flip.

"I'm sorry, Luke." "That's not the first time I have heard that from you." He said. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked. "You're different, Rowan. Don't deny it. You've been acting different and doing things the Rowan I know would never do. What's gotten into you?" Luke said angrily.

"Luke Hemmings that is the rudest thing you have ever said to me! I can do whatever I want, whether you like it or not! And if you're still acting like this because of Ashton then it is definitely time to let it go. I am with Ashton now. You don't act like my best friend anymore. I thought you wanted me to like him! Now that I am dating him, you act like I'm not allowed to! Make up your mind already!" I shouted back at him.

"Don't you see, Rowan? He's changing you! Who knows what you guys do when you sneak out?" "How did you know we sneak out? How did you find out?" "You aren't exactly the quietest when you sneak back in." He explained. "What I do is none of your business, Luke. If you really were my best friend you would respect my choices." "As your best friend, I'm trying to help you do the right thing." "Well stop it, Luke. Just stop."

Luke looked at me before running up to his room. I followed him quickly, but he slammed the door in my face and locked it. "Luke, let me in!" I pleaded. "No. Just go away! I don't want to see you!" He yelled. Luckily, Ashton taught me how to pick the locks in the house. I ran into my room and grabbed a bobby pin and unlocked the door. "Luke, please. Let's just talk this over." "What is that?" Luke asked. He lifted my shirt to see my hip. "Rowan, you didn't...."

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