Excuse You

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*Rowan's POV*
I was so furious that Ashton went right up to my little brother and gave him a black eye for no reason. Had he no tact? What a rude thing to do to someone who didn't do anything to you. I hated him even more now. Why isn't he expelled yet?! Probably beacuse everyone is too scared to tell an adult about all the bad things he's done, other than bomb every single class.

It was lunch period, and I intended to find Ashton and chew him out. I had enough of his shenanigans. It was time someone said something, even if that poor someone had to be me of all people. Oh well. All I had to do was catch him before he went into the lunch room, where he sat with all of his goons. To be honest, I was a little scared to talk to him. 'Do it for Tyler' I thought to myself.

I stood at my locker, waiting for him to pass by. After a few minutes of standing around, I found him. "Ashton!" I yelled. He turned around and came over to me.

"May I help you?" he said nicely. What the heck.

"Listen up. I got a huge problem, and your'e it." I said confidently. Mental pat on the back. "I'm sorry what?" He said, not as politely. "Do you recall punching a kid in the eye yesterday?" I questioned. Let's see if he tells the truth. "Listen, girl, I have to go. I'm hungry." He said. He said, beginning to walk away.

I grabbed his arm. I felt like he had some kind of cooties or something. "What gives?" he asked impatiently. "I didn't punch anybody. Happy? Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours." He snapped.

"Then explain why my brother came home with a black eye yesterday." His cheeks went a little red. A-ha! I got him! "He said you did it, and I believe that" I said. "Back off honey" he said backing up. I looked down at him. Black combat boots and black jeans. Blink- 182 t-shirt with a ripped up denim jacket, and a red bandanna. Weird outfit choice if you ask me. Then my eyes met with his for a split second, before I looked away.

"What's your name?" he asked. That was random. "Rowan Evans" I said. "Your'e in my biology class and my English class how do you not know my name you dofus" I said. He shrugged his shoulders and smirked. "Don't ever think about touching my brother ever again, Ashton" I said harshly. Now I feel mean, but it's for Tyler. "Enjoy your day, Miss Evans" Ashton said clomping off in his giant boots. What a moron.

*Ashton's POV*
I was on my way to lunch. I was starving and dying to get some food in my system. I didn't have any time to eat my breakfast. As I was walking, I heard a girl's voice call my name. "Ashton!" I turned around to see none other than Rowan. I sighed in my mind and walked over to her. "May I help you?" I asked trying to sound polite.

"Listen up. I got a huge problem, and your'e it." She said rudely. "I'm sorry what?" I said, not as kindly. "Do you recall punching a kid in the eye yesterday?" She questioned. How did she know that?"Listen, girl, I have to go. I'm hungry." I said, trying to walk away from all this. I appeared to be chilled out but my chest was pounding.

Her tiny hand grabbed my arm. Her hands were freezing and I felt a shiver go up my spine. "What gives?" I asked impatiently. "I didn't punch anybody. Happy? Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours." I snapped. Smooth, Ashton. Way to reel her in.

"Then explain why my brother came home with a black eye yesterday." It was her brother I beat up?! I had no idea! I felt instant guilt, and I could feel my cheeks going red. "He said you did it, and I believe that" SHe said. "Back off honey" I said backing up, trying to act cool. She looked down at me. I studied her. She had on light blue skinny jeans, a coral cami, and a cute leather jacket with some brown boots. She was adorable. Then my eyes met with hers for a split second, before she looked away.

"What's your name?" I asked, even though I knew "Rowan Evans" she said sounding confused. "Your'e in my biology class and my English class how do you not know my name you dofus" She said.I felt so stupid. I shrugged my shoulders and smirked. "Don't ever thinkabout touching my brother ever again, Ashton" She threatened. She wasn't intimidating at all. I had to hold myself back from laughing at her. "Enjoy your day, Miss Evans" I said walking away as fast as I could. What an angel.

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