The End

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1 Week before the Fight

Jericho- Marco? Sasha?

Sasha- Woah... Jericho, you can see us? Well now I can say you look old as hell

Jericho- And you're still, the same old Sasha

Marco- Jericho... It's been years

Jericho- Yeah, 21 years... since

You wanted to hug them so badly but you couldn't touch something that isn't there in the first place, but they knew what you wanted to do so they tried to mimic one, and you did the same

Sasha- Tell, Historia we said hi

Marco- Historia?

Sasha- Oh yeah, you don't know, Krista's real name is Historia

Marco- Oh, well... We'll see you next time Jericho...

Jericho- Yeah...

You visited others, like Zachary, Pyxis, Mike, Hannes, Erwin, and Hange...

Hange- So, why are you avoiding them?

Jericho- Who am I avoiding

Erwin- It's obvious, Jericho. You have the Ability to see supernatural spirits, and you aren't going to see the people who raised you first, it's annoyingly obvious

Jericho- I don't think I can face them

Hange- It's been 21 years since you've last talked to them

Jericho- It's my fault they're dead... They probably hate me

Hange- You won't know until you see

Jericho- Yeah... but

Erwin- For a General, you've quiet scared for someone who can't touch you

Hange- You faced me, and you're part of the reason I'm dead

Erwin- Hange

Hange- Oh... sorry

Jericho- No, she's right... I'll do it

Erwin- Good, we'll see you around, General

You walked over to a group of gravestones, 5 to be exact, and broke down, the original Squad Levi, Eldo, Gunther, Odou, and Petra

Oluo- Look who's here... Mr. Ugler

Eldo- He's King, Oluo

Gunther- Yeah, for an adult he's crying a lot

Petra- Don't listen to them, Jericho. Thank you for visiting us again

Jericho- I-I'm Sorry! It's My Fault You're Dead!! I Couldn't Stop Annie From Killing You!!

You couldn't stop crying, there was a mix of happiness and grief inside you, and you just sat there, wishing you could hold them one last time. Petra sat down, in a way that it looked like your head was in her lap, and did the motion of brushing your hair, and the wind was blowing it in the direction she was brushing

Oluo- Babying him to the end, huh Petra

Petra- Hey, were you not listening to him, he was blaming himself for our deaths... Jericho, we've been watching the entire time, and I must say, I promise that once you come to join us, I'm smacking you across the head, for trying to end all of humanity, I also have to say that I couldn't be a prouder Big Sister, Jericho. We don't blame you for a thing. Now, go home, your grandchildren are on their way. We'll be here anytime you want to talk

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now