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4 Months Later

The Survey Corps has taken base in Liberio for an indefinite time. And had constant shipments of equipment, Thunder Spears, Gauntlets, Maneuver Gear, etc. You were moved into a Marleyan hospital, just so Historia could constantly visiting you, praying that you wake up. Mikasa had given birth to their daughter, Ymir, in Marley, but for her safety, Mikasa and Eren agreed that she would stay in Ragako, with Connie's mother. Mikasa has recently rejoined the Military along with Eren, who until recently was unofficially working with them, but now is the Current Captain of the Special Operations Squad, with James, Terrance, Kole, and May under him. May, under Armin's discretion, inducted her into the Military. Connie and Falco are under the order to protect Paradis

Historia was at the hospital again, watching you lay there, and heard nothing besides the monitor beeping 

Historia- A lot has happened recently, Mikasa gave birth to her daughter, they named her Ymir. And we've been looking for Titans, but no sighting... It's been 4 months since you went to sleep. I knew you were tired, but not this tired, when are you going to wake up? Everyone misses you, the twins miss you, I miss you... 

You had no response and she got up and pushed your hair back, then kissed you

Historia- I'll be back soon, love you

Historia walked out of the building and remembered what happened a couple of weeks ago

8 weeks ago

Armin had just returned from investigating the remains of Richard Grasse's home, with books, and crap with him

Historia- So Armin, what did you get from his lab?

Armin- Well, those transformations, we have the names of them

Historia- Really?

Armin- Yeah, The paper is burned so we currently have about 7 names, The Blood Titan, Helliod Titan, Ghost Titan, Magma Titan, May's Savage Titan, Ghoul Titan also known as Grim Titan, our deceased Metal Titan, and Luke's Blade Titan... and the list ends there, what's left is probably unreadable, or ash 

Historia- ok

Historia pinched her nose and sighed heavily

Armin- How are you feeling?

Historia- How could Jericho do this every day?

Armin- No one knows how, but he did it

Historia- I miss him so much

Armin- Yeah me too, but I bet not as much as you

There was an explosion and the Upper half of the Savage Titan appeared

Historia- What's going on?!

James- Calm Down!! She isn't against us

Armin- What happened

James -She cut her hand when she tried getting something for me

Eren- Hey! This is the same situation as me! Calm down!

May- Someone... mind helping me out?!

Armin got on the Nape, and cut her out 

Mikasa- She has full control over her Titan

Eren- What makes you say that?

Mikasa- Well, if someone was controlling her, they would've done a full transformation, but look. It's only a partial transformation

The Savage Titan started to evaporate and the soldiers, put their blades back  

Historia- James, are you okay? 

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now