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Soldier- Hey! Oliver! What's wrong?! 

Her comrade was on the ground unresponsive and she ran over to him 

Soldier- Come on! You need to-- 

She was then met with a bullet in her side by Hanji

Hanji- There's no one pursuing us now. Levi...

Later she was able to stitch up Levi's wounds and sat down 

Hanji- Everyone got turned into Titans, but only you survived. It must be for the same reason that you're able to survive these injuries. Because you're an Ackerman. Well... What do we do? We can't stop Zeke on our own... We just have to count on Armin or Commander Pyxis... Hell, Maybe Jericho... He's the one who saved us. Even if Eren and Jericho betrayed Zeke... If that means the Yeagersts will still use the Spinal Fluid to control its island... we'll be on the run for the rest of our lives. It must be that our time has come. You might feel like you're doing the right thing, but... times change and you find yourself in a cell. Maybe we should just live here together. Right... Levi?

Hanji got to work building a cart and at that moment the speech about the Rumbling happened

Hanji - Just now... was that... The whole world... Eren.. Jericho... Levi!

Levi was sitting up 

Levi- The Beast... That piece of shit... where is he...?

Hanji- You don't need to get up. Zeke went to Shiganshina District with the Yeagerists. Half a day has passed since then. What happened? 

Levi- I screwed up... I wasn't able to figure out... that he was ready to die... I let him get away again... 

Levi put up his hand, his pointer and middle finger was gone

Hanji- I'm sure you want revenge... But for now.. If we keep running and hiding...

Levi- What will that get us...?

Hanji- Oh... So you heard me talking to myself... 

Levi- What're you making...? 

Hanji- That...? 

Levi- You're going to pull me by horse...? I know you're not able to stay out of the action... 

Hanji- Yeah... that's right. I can't 

Present Time

Levi- My goal... is to kill Zeke... Our interests align. Theo Magath. Pieck Finger. Brennon... Ulger

Magath- Levi Ackerman. It seems you have the strength to stand against the Nine Titans. But how do you expect to dodge one of my bullets looking like that? 

Levi- I can't dodge any bullets. But I'm presenting myself to an enemy in this sorry state. Shoot. Or listen. It's up to you

Magath- Then We'll listen before we shoot. You said you'd kill Zeke... Where is he now? 

Hanji- My guess is that he's trying to win over Eren and Jericho so he can use his royal blood. over the Founding Titan

Pieck- Seems like you know it all, Titan Doctor Hanji. Even more than Marley... Have you seen this Founding Titan for yourself? 

Hanji- I know it's unbelievably large, and that it seems impossible to conquer... so.  We just have to do this together... Let's combine forces. You get it, right?

That night, everyone was asleep, and Connie and Falco were earing Ragako village but stopped for Falco to sleep 

Connie- "What do I need to do... to get mom to eat Falco? Do I have the use force, after all? If I hurt him and he figures out that he has the power of a Titan, it's all over for me... I can't fail here... Something... I need to think of something. He's such an obedient kid... He's not even complaining about sleeping out in the open like this. He ought to be suspicious of me, and yet... hoes heh trust me, though...? Does he really...?" Dammit! Sasha... would you... have understood? 

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now