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The Rumbling, all around the world, had stopped and the Wall Titans fell to the ground and started to evaporate. Armin blew up the Founding Titan, and the centipede had disappeared, while you all just watched

Jericho- Falco... go down

Falco flew down to the ashes and smoke of the Founding Titan and saw Eren among the ashes

Eren- Jericho...

Jericho- It's over... Eren, Zeke's dead... The rumbling is over

Eren- No... they're going to com--

You punched Eren in the face multiple times, without any retaliation from anyone, not even Mikasa

Jericho- Get it through your head... we're done... Let me take it from here... Got it?

Eren- But.. they

Jericho- Trust me... Eren... I can handle it from here on out

Armin rose from the Crater and fell to the ground, then came out of his Titan

Armin- Did it work?

Jericho- Yeah... It's over... you guys go on ahead... I'll stay here

Mikasa- I... I'll stay too

Armin- Me too

The Founding Titan was completely disintegrated and the Alliance went to Fort Salva

Fort Salta

Falco landed and everyone got off his Titan, the Marleyan Eldians returned to their families in tears, except for Annie and Brennon

Connie- So... we did the right thing... right? Stopping the rumbling?

Annie- Why are you here? All the way from the Internment Zone...

Karina- Mr.Leonhart led us all here. Your father

Annie turned around in shock

Karina- Go and meet him

Levi- You're not going to your family?

Brennon- Is it worth it... they might have not been able to leave Liberio in time

Levi- Who knows... you'll just have to see

Rebecca- Brennon!!

Yosef- Dad!

Brennon- Rebecca!! Yosef!!

Brennon ran to his wife and son and hugged them, with all of them in tears


You, Armin, and Mikasa sat down next to Eren

Armin- So... how many?

Eren- Half of Humanity...

Armin and Mikasa were shocked... but were still with him

Eren- Half of humanity was killed during the Rumbling

Armin- Thank you, Eren... You became.... a mass murderer for our sake... but at the least.. let us try a new route

Eren- Is it worth it though? When I have no time left will it be worth it?

Armin- Well... I think you have all the time in the world. Ymir wants to watch us from now on... while being the creator of the Titans... she removed the Curse of Ymir... we're free

Eren- How? Can she do that?

Armin- She has the power to manipulate the Eldians... she is the Founder... isn't she?

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now