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Garret- Shit, Ackerman. I guess I'll have to fall back 

after a couple of minutes, medical soldiers arrived and they returned to base 

James- Mom! Are you okay?!

Historia- I'm fine... are you okay

James- We're fine... what happened to you? 

Historia- Just got caught in a Titan attack... just some cuts

they brought Historia to the Hospital and she was in the same room as you 

Historia- Hey Jericho... sorry for us to meet with me like this... don't worry about me

James and Terrance walked into the room and sat at the foot at her bed

James- What do you think he's thinking about?

Historia- Who knows

You were just stiff, not moving a limb but in your mind your was doing so much

Inside your dream

You woke up inside of a bedroom, you didn't know where you were at all

Jericho- "Where am I? What's going on?"

You got up and looked in a water bucket, you were a kid, around 10 or 11 years old

Petra- Oh! You're awake!

Jericho- Pet...ra? What happened?

Petra- Since when did you start calling me by my first name? Anyway, we're in Orvud, That Historia girl you like is outside waiting for you

Jericho- Historia? "I never met her before the Cadet Corps... What's going on?" Where is she?

Petra- Hey, are you okay? You look pale

Jericho- Yeah... I'm fine... it's nothing

Petra- Ok, Historia is outside. It's mean to keep a girl waiting

Jericho- Yeah... I'll be down

Petra was about to walk away until you ran hugged her 

Petra- Hey, what's wrong?

Jericho- Nothing... just, Good morning

Petra- Yeah, come down soon before I leave

Jericho- Yeah! "Was everything just a giant dream? Just one Long Dream? Scout Regiment, becoming King? James, Terrance? Everything?"

You went down the stairs to look outside the walls to see the walls are gone completely

Jericho- Where are the walls? Aren't the Titans going to get us?

Petra- Walls? Titans? What are you talking about? Did you have some nightmare?

Levi- What's going on with him?

Jericho- Captain Levi! What's going on?!

Levi- Captain Levi? Are you okay, Jericho?

Petra- Ever since this morning he's been going on about Titans and Walls

Levi- Sounds like a bad dream

You collected yourself and tried to act like them

Jericho- Sorry, I had a dream last night... a long one... There were giants eating people for years and you guys... were soldiers, and fought them, I became on of those soldiers and fought with you guys, and I could transform into the giants

Petra- A soldier... the both of us?

Jericho- Now that you say it out loud, it does sound far fetched

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now