Raid on Stohess District Part 2

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Several Days Earlier

Levi- They're late... where are Erwin and his men, they're keeping me waiting? The MP escorts will come here before they do. He's probably constipated and having a rough day

Jericho- You're talking more than usual, Levi

Levi- What are you talking about? I always talk a lot

It was just the three of you, Levi, Eren, and You

Jericho- I'm sorry, I made the wrong choice... and now everyone is... 

Levi- I told you, No one ever knows how things will turn out

Erwin- Sorry to keep you waiting 

Jericho- About time you guys got here

Eren- What is everyone else doing here?

Jean, Mikasa, and Armin were with the Commander as well

Erwin- We have identified a person of interest who may be the Female Titan. This time, we won't let her escape. The operation will be in two days. it will take place in Stohess District on our way to the capital. This is our first and last chance. Once we pass that point, Eren will be remanded to the capital. Our pursuit of those who seek to destroy the walls will become fraught with difficulty. Ultimately, humanity stands to go extinct. We will stake everything on this plan. Here it is. When we pass through Stohess, Eren will act as a decoy and lead the target into this underground tunnel. If we can get her to the lowest level, given the tunnel's size and structural integrity, even if the target transforms we can immobilize her. Jericho, if she is able to escape, you and a team you will lead will bring her down. But if she transforms before then... Eren, we'll need your help

Eren- Yes, sir. As for the target... are we sure she is in Stohess?

Jericho- Yes. Eren, our target is a member of the Military Police, Annie Leonhart

Eren- Annie?!

Jericho- Yes... from seeing how she fought, it was all too familiar to her, from facial features and everything, it was brought down to her. She's also the one who killed Hanji's Titans

Eren- Annie's the Female Titan? Why? Why do you think that, Jericho?

Jericho- As I said, the process of elimination brought it down to her, there's no one else I could've thought of. Also, Armin told me, that when he screamed out, suicidal bastard, that she reacted to it, and during our time in the 104th that was your known name throughout the cadets, everyone knew it

Eren- How do you know?

Jericho- Only someone very skilled could have done it And they have used their own Maneuver Gear, which they're accustomed to

Eren- Yeah, wasn't that why they inspected our Maneuver Gear. But they didn't find anything on Annie...

Jericho- That's because she used Marco's gear as a decoy

Eren- What?

Jericho- When Marco died his ODM gear was never found, and just as a theory, she used her own gear to kill Hanji's Titans and used Marco's to pass on through the inspection, therefore not putting anything on her, clearing her of suspicion 

Eren- How are you so sure it was Marco's

Armin- Because I knew what his was like, I'd helped him repair it over and over sometimes, I remember it down to the dent

Levi- Any other evidence?

Jericho- No

Eren- Then what if she's innocent?

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