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Erwin- Let's move!

The Scout Regiment along with the MP set out for the forest, while Hanji and Moblit were still on top of the Wall

Hanji- G-Get me a horse.

Moblit- Section Commander! Where are you trying to go?

Hanji- To that village where we capture the Titan who couldn't walk

Moblit- You mean Ragako?

Hanji- I need to see it... with my own eyes

Moblit- Don't say something so ridiculous! Your body can't take riding a horse right now!

Hanji- I have a hunch... that we need to investigate...

Moblit- All right. I'll go there on my own, so you just stay here and faint or something

Hanji did just that, But out in Titan Territory, the Squadron was heading out towards the forest

Erwin- Spread out! Take formation to locate any enemies!

Historia- "Jericho... just hang on"


Reiner- Oh, Eren? You're awake?

Reiner, Bertholdt, and Ymir were standing atop the branches and looking down on you and Eren. While Eren fumbled with his binding, he got it undone an saw his regenerating stubs

Eren- What the...? My Arms!

Jericho- Eren, we're in the same shape... well kinda

Your regeneration was almost complete, your leg was down to the foot while you arm was about to start the palm

Jericho- So we both are having a shitty day right now

Eren- Jericho, Why... don't I have any arms?

Reiner- That's my bad. We were in a hurry. When I rushed to bit your nape, I neglected to take your arms into account.

Eren- I see... I... Must've lost

there was a silence until Eren bit into his stub

Jericho- Eren, stop. We're in the giant forest within Wall Maria. We're no where close to the walls, we're balls deep in Titan territory. And look down there, my bet is that it's an Abnormal. It looks like he's lounging around, but his eyes are dead set on us. There's also a lot of small ones too. That alone is dangerous,  and there's one behind use, a big one, may I add. He's just staring, but won't come any closer. Probably scared to the core. Then there is those bastards, and the only ones with ODM gear on, Ymir and Bertholdt have the one's from the 2 dead scouts and Reiner has yours. Long-story-short, transforming isn't going to solve anything in this situation. The Armored, Colossal, and Jaw are here along with all these Titans, getting out of here is going to be a challenge, even with Titan powers, Got it? Going ape-shit isn't going to help anyone

Reiner- Also, neither of you can turn into Titans, your body is at its limit. it's taking everything you've got to repair the damage

Eren- Are you stupid? Why the hell would I trust anything coming from any of your mouths?

Ymir- Eh, I don't know, unlike you guys, I'm pretty clueless about it. So Reiner, you said you would talk when they woke up, so get to yapping, tell 'em what we're doing

Eren- We'll take you to our hometown. I realize that you're not going to listen and do as I say. But like Jericho was saying, this place is swarming with Titans. We could beat the shit out of each other right now, but when we're weak, the other Titans would just come and eat us. So until nightfall, when Titans can't move, we have no choice but to wait here. Whether you try to run and escape from us... or don't and we take you away... either way, we wait for night

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now