Ghost Titan Part 2

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Terrance- Don't jinx us up dammit!

Kole and Terrance jumped off the building and headed straight for the Ghost

Terrance- Alright, we have to hit it with a volley of Thunder Spears, from what I've seen this thing's able to phase through certain objects, but... this time we got to hit it when that bastard least expects it!!

Levi- Hey, you two stop babbling around, and focus up!

Levi tried to slice through the Ghost but his blades phased through his body but when it phased into its physical form it was hi in the elbow with two Thunder Spears blowing it up

Terrance- Holy shit, it actually worked

Kole- Well, you were right...

Terrance- if I'm being honest, I didn't expect it to work

Kole- Well, if we keep this up we may be able to kill this thing

Levi- Hey, focus up, we gotta hit this bastard with another atta--

The Ghost Titan was hit by a punch from The Warrior Titan

Terrance- Dad!!

Jericho- "I'm going to do it... why it' still physical I can take its power

Before you could bite down it phased back into his ghost form and you fell to the ground. Once you hit the ground the Ghost Titan became physical and hit you in your nape defeating you again

Kole- General

Levi- Jericho!!

Terrance- Dad!!

You stayed in your Titan and just focused on regenerating

Jericho- "Dammit.... I can't do anything... even with the power of the Cart Titan, it's endurance means shit when your body is being torn to shreds"

Terrane was about to check on you but Levi stopped him

Levi- Don't worry about him, we have bigger problems right now, his arms are out of commission, but that thing still has to two other appendages once we take out his knees we are able to kill him

Terrance- But didn't you notice? Dad was trying to eat him, the main objective has changed... We need to get dad to eat the Ghost Titan!!

Levi- You have to make a choice, either help your father to eat this thing, or help me kill the bastard so we can make sure everyone else is alive!!

The noticed that the Ghost Titan used his arm that was destroyed by the Thunder Spears and flung it around like a ragdoll, but before it could hit the two Historia and Kole sliced it off making disarming the Ghost Titan temporarily

Historia- Terrance, go check on your father... Levi we going to keep this thing distracted, Kole, make sure everyone else is still alive! Got it?!

Kole- Y-Yeah...

Terrance- got it...

Levi- Fine

Kole got to the ground, got to Eren

Kole- Dad, you okay?

Eren- Kole, what are you doing here?

Kole- Trying to save your life goddammit, is everyone else okay?

Eren- I'll be fine... get James, Falco, and Reiner

Meanwhile, Terrance got to you and was able to get your upper body out of your Titan, but your lower body wasn't budging

Terrance- Dad, how are you feeling?

Jericho- I'm coming back, How are you doing?

Terrance- I'm okay, Mom and Levi are going against the Ghost Titan, we're going to get you to eat the Ghost

Jericho- Put me back in, just get that bastard to the ground, make sure he isn't able to move

Terrance- Dad... Y-Yeah

Historia and Levi were slicing at the back of the knee of the Ghost Titan, but even after multiple slices it was barely able to get through the bone

Kole- James, you better?

James- Yeah... Yeah I'm fine... is everyone else fine?

Kole- Yeah the others are fine... still got another transformation in you?

James- Yeah, but I'll probably be in this same condition as right now

Kole- Maybe... we have to do something...

James- I gue--

the Roar of the Ghost rang through their ears as Historia and Levi got through the knees of the Ghost Titan and wrapped their Wires around its body forcing it to the ground. Terrance and Kole then wrapped their wires around the Ghost and got it strapped to the ground

Levi- What now?

James- That!!

They turned and around and saw you crawling towards the Ghost Titan while they held it down

James- Keep it Down!!

Terrance- Got dammit!!! Shut the Hell Up!!!

Levi- Guys, this bastard is starting to get back up again

The Ghost Titan was struggling but slowly making it back up

Terrance- shit shit shit shit!!

You finally made it to the Ghost Titan and fell on It's back, with your mouth on it's nape, but unable to move

James- Is he stuck!?!

Reiner- No, he's exhausted... Someone force his mouth shut!!

Jericho- "C'mon!! I'm right there... just eat this bastard...Close Your Damn mouth

Historia released her wires and the Ghost Titan was getting up, but with thin the next few seconds she kicked your mouth shut including the user and with one bite, he died inside of your mouth and you gulped him down, you fell to the ground and Historia and James got you out

Historia- You okay?

Jericho- Tired... but alive

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now