The Hunters

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The Colossal Titan fell and a giant shock wave was sent throughout the area, blowing the Scouts and everyone away from them. The Reiner was able to Get Eren in his mouth and Bertholdt and Ymir got you, they also had the ODM gear from the 2 dead scouts, and they were able to get away, with no one following them

Armin- Eren!

Trost District

Garrison Officer- Commander. Wake up, Commander Pyxis. You'll get sick if you fall asleep here. I can't believe you drank all of this. You're not young anymore. And I'd rather not spend my days changing your diapers

Pyxis- Being cared for by a pretty lady sound all right to me. So? What's the situation?

Garrison Officer- Patrols were sent out once the Titans were gone from the 1st and 2nd defense lines, but any Titan sighting s are few and far between

Pyxis- If Hannes and the advance squad followed the wall without problem, They'll be returning any minute now. It would mean they met the unit from Krovla District and turned around halfway. And they couldn't have encountered many Titans, if any. If there was a hole in the wall, it would never work out like that

Erwin- Commander Pyxis

Pyxis- Oh. If it isn't Erwin. I hear you've captured one of those troublesome mice

Erwin- Yes. Unfortunately we were one step behind

Pyxis- Hmm... But at least it will get those goons in the interior thinking. Maybe they'll reconsider how important their stale beliefs and motives are to them

Erwin- Yes, it appears they have. Look down there. The Military Police have finally been forced into an area with Titans

Pyxis was called down to the ground and a Garrison Soldier and Sasha returned and exhausted

Pyxis- I see... So there was nothing wrong with the wall?

Garrison Soldier- Yes sir!

Pyxis- As I suspected...

Garrison Soldier- H-However, there's a bit of a situation. We were heading back to Trost to give our report when we ran into the Scout unit led by Section Commander Hanji. Along with them, there were recruits from the 104th without their equipment... And it turns out 4 of them... were Titans

Jean- What are you saying? That there are Th-Three more of them?! Who?!

Erwin- Jean, relax. What happened when their forms were revealed?

Garrison Soldier- Cadet Jericho Ulger was a Titan but he didn't transform, they were saying he was in combat with Titans with the squad led by Nanabe and Geger, Yet there were others Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, and Ymir, They were the Armored, Colossal, and apparently a Jaws Titan... But by the time we were able to join the fight... It was over

On top of Wall Rose

Hannes- unbelievable. What a disaster. Luckily we were above so we got away unscathed. Everyone underneath got balsted by steam and wind. There's nothing they could do

From Bertholdt's dive bomb Mikasa, Hanji, Moblit and many other scouts were left unconscious and few were still awake

Hannes- How's Mikasa doing?

Armin- I don't see any bad wounds, so I'm guessing it's just a concussion

Hannes- I see... Armin.. You haven't eaten, have you? I'll get you something.. You've got to eat

Connie- Krista, you okay?

Historia- Yeah... and it's Historia

Connie- Yeah... you know, you shouldn't lie

The Noble's Titan (Oc x Historia) {Title: Attack on Titan Manufactured}Where stories live. Discover now