Chapter 51: Aki vs Yami

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[Ryo's Pov]

After a long ride, we finally arrived at Yabitsu. It's night when we arrived, almost close to midnight. I realized something on the way here, and that is there's no nearby restaurants and only a small little hut for a bus stop. Soon we arrived at the starting line of the hill climb battle, parking our cars in a nearby parking lot. I stepped out of my AE86 Trueno and noticed a lot of cars parked as well, presumably from the members of Team 246. I was expecting a few cars because it isa street racing team after all, but I didn't expect it to be this many. Just how many members does the Team 246 have?

I saw a man in a yellow t-shirt approaching me, looking at me with his menacing eyes before turning to approach Rai instead.

[Rai's Pov]

Satoshi Omiya approached and brought his hand forward, presumably to shake hands or paws. I nodded and shook his hand. "I believe you are Rai of Project P. A member of my team told me about you. It seems they know that you are coming, and that they know about the cars you are driving. Project P must be that popular, considering it's my first time to see and to battle a group of Pokemon street racers. You are lucky as we normally don't accept any street racing team that want to challenge us. Yami just told us that your street racing team are one of the special kinds, because it is indeed rare to see an aspiring street racing team composed of professional Pokemon."

So this is going to be their first time on battling a street racing team of Pokemon. It seems that we are the first to be this organized enough to take on the street racing teams here in Kanagawa. "It is a pleasure to be able to battle with you. Now, the reason we came to battle the Team 246 in the first place is to have a battle with one of your members, particularly a Pokemon." I stated and Omiya smirked.

"You're in for luck, because we had a survey earlier before you arrived in preparation for our battle, and Yami is the one chosen for hill climb battle, while I was chosen again for the down hill battle. Both of our cars were heavily tuned before the survey was even conducted, and we're lucky to be chosen to compete with the Project P. Now that I have mentioned about our line up, what's your line up?" He asked and I pointed at Ryo and Aki who are having a conversation by their cars.

"Ryo, the Lucario, will be the down hill. Aki, the Cinderace, will be the hill climb. Ryo driving an AE86 Trueno and Aki driving an AE86 Levin Supercharged. What's will be the cars of your line up?"

"Yami, hill climb, will be driving a DC2. Me, Satoshi Omiya, will be driving a NB8C. When shall we begin the battle?"


[Aki's Pov]

Readying my AE86 Levin for the chaser position while the DC2 sits in front, taking the lead position. Rai stepped close to my car and I lowered the car window.

"The Yabitsu pass is infamous for it's multiple points of the road where the two lanes merge into one. There's not much room for good straight overtakes, so you'll be overtaking them during a sharp corner with two lanes. There's not much advice that I can give you, other than to use your driver's eye on the one lane points to pressure Yami into making a mistake. There's one area however that you can activate your driver's eye to pressure him into making a mistake, and that is after passing the first sudden sharp hairpin with two lanes. This two lane hairpin is in between two points of the touge where there are only one lanes..."

"... After this hairpin, there will be a few one lane roads and two lane roads switching simultaneously. That's when you'll trick him by pretending to overtake into pressuring him. Remember, you can only overtake him from the first half of hill climb of Yabitsu, since there's the rest of the roads closer to the top is all one laned. Good luck." Rai explained and I nodded before bringing the car window back up and Chase walked in front of us, starting the countdown.

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