Chapter 33

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"Kim this suit is ridiculous." I twisted in the full length mirror taking in every angle. "I don't think it should even be called a suit." No, it was more like dental floss. .

"To be fair it covers a lot more on me." Kim whistled as she got a good look at my mostly exposed ass. "You're going to give poor Liam a heart attack."

"There is no way I can wear this." I pulled at the top of the suit hoping to miraculously stretch it to cover more of my breast. The bathing suit looked amazing on me. It was bright yellow and played off my olive skin tone. Technically it was a one piece but there was so little fabric it shouldn't count.

The bottom half went so far up my ass it was almost a thong.

It might look good but I felt too exposed in it.

"It's not my fault you didn't pack any bathing suits." Kim defended smacking me in the ass before bumping me to the side so she could inspect herself in the mirror. "You don't have any other choices and you look great so let's go."

"I can just not go." I grumbled but I was already grabbing a black wrap and tying it around my hips. Truth was No matter how much I may have bitch when Kim forced me agree to going I was looking forward to tonight. And not just because they were going to play one of my favorite sports movies.

"You wouldn't do that to poor Liam!" Kim made kissy faces my way just to annoy me.

"Shut up." I hissed when I had no come back.

Outside the air was just warm enough so I didn't break out in goose bumps with so much of my skin exposed to the elements. "Isn't it going to be freezing in the water?"

"No, I got in last night and it feels warm against the cool air." Kim assured me as we picked our way through a short cut in the forest to the cove were the event for the night had been set up. As we walked I could hear the sounds of people gathering and setting up for the night. "Plus, everyone will have floats too if they want to stay out of the water."

We made it to the beach just as some of the guys from the team were cracking open some kegs, cheered on by some of the girls from Kim's sorority. As soon as we were spotted said girls squeeled in excitement, calling out for Kim to join them.

"Go on." I reassured Kim at her questioning look. If I said the word she would stick by my side the whole night. "I'll be fine."

"Have fun." Kim smacked me playfully on the ass before taking off. "Just not too much fun." She threw back with a wink.

"Bitch." I muttered. As soon as she left I felt

I knew I shouldn't have. The majority of the girls were dressed much skankier than I was. And I was surrounded by the guys from my team. Guys who I knew would take a bullet for me. Still in a party atmosphere I couldn't help feeling like I didn't belong.

Looking around the beach and cove I had to admit the sorority had done an amazing job setting up. On the other side of the cover was a massive screen for the movie projection that would play as soon as the sky turned dark enough, like for a drive in theater. Only instead of cars they had filled the cove with inflatable lounge rafts set up with small anchors that kept them in place so we wouldn't have to constantly be swimming in place.

On the beach there was a bar and popcorn stand set up and lounge chairs everywhere for those who didn't want to brave the water.

There was a wolf whistle behind me and I turned to see Connor coming down the beach with Tyson in tow. "Looking good Coach." Connor teased good naturedly before continuing on to a girl who was waving him into the water.

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