Chapter 12

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ESPN Sports News: Reporting on NCAA Football

Following the National Champions the Carolina Timberwolves - Reported by Todd Silverton

Week 1:

Everyone came into this game with a whirlwind of emotions. The home team packed the stands to bursting, with those not lucky enough to score a ticket watching from monitors set up in the parking lots.  All with a sense of anticipation, how would the Timberwolves fair in their first game since the loss of their Head coach and Quarterback, Tim and Cashwell Young respectively?

The Timberwolves entered the stadium at a walk, all hand in hand in a sign of unity. Cashwell's former number 2 decorated on each of the players helmets, and a prayer in remembrance shared before kick off. Most, it was clear, were not sure whether to cheer or cry.

It was safe to say there wasn't a dry eye around by the time Coach Gate's, former Offensive Coordinator, and longtime friend of Coach Young, put on his headset and the Timberwolves took the field.

Their opponent for this first trial, the Tennessee Tornadoes. While the Tornadoes had a winning season last year, ending 8-2, this is their first foray into the big leagues of the ACC. Despite the many unknowns for the Timberwolves, centered around newcomer quarterback Liam Harrington,  and the Tornadoes standout running back, Warren Wright, the odds leaned heavily in favor of the number 1 ranked, Timberwolves.

From the first snap of the ball it was evident that this was not the same team we watched take home the trophy last January. Harrington, failed to live up to his hype, throwing three interceptions and was tackled five times for loss.

The 35 to 0 shut out can't all be blamed on the Rookie QB. Missed calls left and right on both sides of the ball didn't help out Harringtons cause. There was also a costly fumble by special teams on a kick recovery that was recovered by the kicking team and taken in for seven.

In the end, we are left wondering if there is any hope for the Timberwolves this season without the Youngs on the field...

Week 2

The Timberwolves entered the second game of the season with renewed hope. Praying that the first loss had been a fluke, a dusting off of the nerves, shall we say. Those hopes were quickly dashed when the Duke's Returner, Andre Brown, returned the starting kickoff for a 99 yard touchdown.

Needless to say, things just went down hill from there.

The defense was unable to stop the Devils offense, leading to touch down after touchdown. Liam Harrington, looked lost on the field, completely out of sync with the rest of his offense. It was a miracle they managed to pull together enough for the one scoring drive of the game...

Week 3

The Timberwolves took to the road this week down to the home of number 10 ranked Florida Gators. They played as though on life support with a predictable end...

Week 4

Desperate for their first win of the season, the Timberwolves took to the field in their home stadium with a renewed energy...

While their Captain and Quarterback, Harrington, showed only minor improvement, they managed to scrape out a win...

Week 5

Coming off the win against the Cavaliers, Timberwolves fans were hoping this was the spark that was needed to turn the season around. However, by halftime, which saw the Timberwolves down 14 to 0, the team was being booed off the field by it's own fans...

It's safe to say after Saturdays loss that Coach Gates is going to have a lot to answer to. If he hopes to keep his job for the coming years he's needs to consider some major adjustments, fast...

Week 6

Another loss for the Timberwolves...

Week 7

Timberwolves enjoy a much needed 'bye' week. We are left hoping Coach Gates will take this time to make adjustments with his team...

Rumors circulating that backup Quarterback, Jacob West, was taking more snaps at practice. Could he be the hope the Timberwolves need to turn this team around...

Week 8

For weeks fans have been begging with each incompletion and interception to take Harrington off the field. Well at this Saturdays game against the West Virginia Mountaineers, they got their wish. For the first time this season Harrington road the bench while backup, Jacob West, took up the starting position.

By halftime, it was clear that while Harrington wasn't yet ready to lead this team to victory, he was a far cry better than West, who did not complete a single pass in the first half. West managed to get the team exactly one first down when he handed the ball off to running back, Kevin Smith, who ran it down the center of the field to pick up twenty yards.

Needless to say Harrington was back on the field at the start of the second half, and we actually saw some sparks as the offense came to life. Unfortunately, it was too little too late, and the Timberwolves lost 34 to 21.

Week 9

Timberwolves keep up losing streak... Fans demanding Coach Gates be bought out of his three million dollar a year contract...

Week 10

After a week of fans and students demanding the job of Head Coach Gates, Athletic Director, Conrad Spikes, finally came forward with a statement.

'We will not today, nor any day in the foreseeable future be releaving Coach Gates of his position.' Spikes informed a packed media room. 'Coach Gates has been a steady presence in this program for going on fifteen years now, and has lead this team to many victorious seasons, including a National Championship.

'We all knew this would be a season of adjustments as we all deal with our great loss in Coach Young and his family. I am confident that with Coach Gates at the helm we will see this team rise again and bring home another National win.'

It's safe to say there will be no National Championship for the Timberwolves this season as they face another loss this week...

Week 11

Another L in the scorebooks for the Timberwolves... Fans abandoning hope...

Week 12

Just when we thought we would not be seeing another win for the Timberwolves this season, they pull out a miracle. The teams defense pulled together to form an line that the Cardinals were unable to penetrate.

Meanwhile, for the first time this season the offense got on a roll. This was mostly in part thanks to the two starting running backs who ran for a total of 200 yards between the two. Tight end, Tyson Long and Wide Receiver, Sean O'Connor, played their parts well. They managed to make their Quarterback, Harrington, look good as they pulled off catches on balls that shouldn't have been catchable.

If only they had been playing with this much heart and energy at the beginning of the season...

Week 13

A disappointing end to a devastating season. This was a season that should have been an homage to the late Young family, it turned into a spectacle that was hard to watch. It is clear that without the Youngs at the helm this team is rudderless...

This last loss to in-state rivals, the Carolina Panthers, was to be excepted at this point. The only surprise being that it was not a shut out. With the Timberwolves able to scrounge out 21 points on the board, though getting there was anything but pretty...

With the Athletic Department standing firmly behind Coach Gates, the only option they have at this point if they want a different outcome next year is clear...

Replace Liam Harrington...

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