Chapter 4

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There was a distinct possibility that this girl was certifiably insane. She clutched that red solo cup as though it held the answers to all her problems. And from the way her eyes jumped throughout the yard, I had the uneasy feeling she was prepared for fight or flight at any moment..

So then, why did I find myself inching closer and closer, rather than running for cover?

I couldn't explain why, but I found her utterly fascinating. And not once since she walked into the party had I thought about my failing football career. She didn't look at me with stars in her eyes just because I was a football player. Not like all the other girls there. Other girls didn't even care that I had completely failed my team, just that I wore the uniform.

I wondered if this girl even knew who I was.

"So, did you go to the game earlier, or watch on TV?" I asked casually, leaning against the wall beside her. I refused to admit to myself how much her answer mattered to me. I didn't want her to have witnessed my poor performance.

"Neither." She answered, tensing up, even as I released the breath I had unknowingly been holding.

"Not a football fan?"

"Not this year." She answered cryptically. I wanted to push for more clarification; but she had other ideas and turned the questions around on me."I'm guessing you were at the game since Adonis is your roomie."

"His name's O'Connor," I grated. I knew Sean was a good-looking guy, but the fact this girl thought he was, picked at my last nerve. "and yeah. It was sort of a requirement." Let her read into that what she would.

"So what year are you?" Was it my imagination, or had her walls dropped a little? It had to be the alcohol starting to kick in. But I wasn't so moral that I wouldn't take advantage. I stepped closer, taking in her warm vanilla and cinnamon scent. I was itching to release her hair from the band holding it in place, fist my hands into it's thick strands.

"I'm a freshman." I admitted, watching as her jaw dropped in disbelief.

"There is no way you're an eighteen year old freshman." She called me out, because, yeah, at six foot five and almost 175 pounds of muscle I didn't look like any other freshman roaming the halls on campus.

"I'm a transfer so I should be a Junior but I changed my major, so it dropped me down to a Freshman." And added four more years to my football eligibility. Which was the real reason for the change at twenty years old.

"So what's your new major?"

"Business." Something that insured I would have a stable career to fall back on should football not work out; but wouldn't be too heavy of a coarse load that I couldn't dedicate a majority of my time to practice."What about you?"

"Freshman and my major is Human Sexuality."

I felt I deserved major points for not spitting out my beer in that moment. Though my eyes started watering and my throat burned from the effort. She proclaimed this with such a straight face that I couldn't tell if she was serious or not. And the last thing I wanted to do was offend her again.

"What sort of classes do you take for that?" I asked, hoping to get more information to be able to tell if she was serious.

"Oh, you know, you have your average Biology, English, History." She shrugged a slim shoulder, inadvertently brushing up against me, before lifting mischievous blue eyes up to meet mine. "Then you have Sexual Orientation, Sexual History, and my personal favorite Sexual Positions."

I must have had the biggest look of dumbfounded shock on my face. For when she looked up at me, she promptly burst out laughing. And I could only think of one thing as her smile transformed her.

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