Chapter 25

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I knew he was going to kiss me.

I knew I should be running in the other direction.

This was the exact opposite of what I had set out to accomplish tonight. I was supposed to be killing my attraction to Liam with another guy...

Any other guy.

But who was I really kidding? Since night one my pull to Liam had been undeniable. He had managed to worm his way past my grief and if he had been anyone other than the quarterback replacing my brother on my team I would have latched onto him with both hands.

So instead of running from the party, as his lips drew closer to my own, I instead found myself licking at them subconsciously. My heart, which had already been racing with his mere presence had picked up speed even more.

He was closing in. I could feel his mint scented breath as it hit at my lips. His dark eyes drilled into my own, just daring me to flinch. To back away, when all I wanted to do was grab him by the front of his t-shirt and pull him closer.

Just a hairs breath away....

"Sam! There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere." Just like that I was snapped back to reality. A reality where hooking up with Liam was still a really bad idea. Where all roads Liam just lead to heart break and Stevens leading the team in the Fall.

I jumped back from Liam. A guilty flush filling my cheeks as I turned  to my best friend. Who had clearly known just what she was breaking up  when she came over. Her eyes shot daggers in Liams direction as she  stepped closer. Using more strength than I knew she possessed, she  physically pulled me from Liam's grip.

"Kim." Liam's eyes didn't leave my own even as he addressed the pissed off blond.

"Liam." Anyone observing this awkward interaction would be able to gauge Kim's disdain for Liam with that one word.

And  just like that Kim turned her back on Liam, effectively cutting him  from my line of sight as she situated herself between the two of us. I managed to force my eyes from the lock that Liam had on them. "What's up Kim?" I attempted to play off like nothing out of the normal was going on. Like she hadn't just stumbled upon me almost repeating my mistake from half a year ago.

"It's our song!" Kim lied as the music turned and seemed to increase in volume. "I came to drag you onto the dance floor."

"Kim, I don't..." I started to turn her down, until I saw the smirk on Liam's lips. He was just waiting for Kim to leave to get another opportunity at me. "You know what...Lead the way."

Kim let out a squeal, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the packed main room where the large percentage of the party was moving in a big mass to the music. The whole way I could physically feel Liam's gaze drilling into my back, daring me to turn around, to give him one last glance. .

"You okay?" Kim asked once we were in the middle of the crowd and she pulled on my arms to force my body to move to the beat. "What the fuck was that?"

"That was the pull of Liam." I sighed in frustration with myself. "I told you I have a problem when it comes to him." Namely I turned into a hormonal sap.

"I mean I can see why?" Kim blew out a breath and started fanning herself.

"Kim! I thought you were on my side!" I slapped at her arm to get her to stop. I needed her support to stay strong, not to cave. "I thought you hated him."

"I'm not forgiving him for not using his brain that night." Kim would never forget how he forgot protection. While I was more holding a grudge that he hadn't told me who he was. "But the chemistry between the two of you is off the charts. What if instead of fighting it, you just take him for a ride. Work him out of your system then you can focus on training him."

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