Chapter 27

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For most college students Spring Break meant time away from studies and work. A chance to go home to recoup or for those more adventurous to go somewhere tropical to party without the stress of studies to hold you back. .

For the Carolina State football team it meant something else. It meant time for the annual lake camping retreat.

The team booked multiple cabins on the water of the local lake that was thirty minutes from the university. It was meant to serve as bonding time for the players away from the stress of practice and the coaches.

Apparently, it had evolved over time into a week long party.

"Yo, why the long face?" Sean jumped onto the bed I had claimed for the week.

The cabins that had been booked for us turned out to be nothing more than one big room. On one side a small bathroom area with a toilet and small two by two shower that didn't look large enough for me to stand in, let alone take a shower, and a kitchen area with a fridge and gas stove. The other side had ten beds which had filled up quick with other guys from my team.

The only blessing so far was that Stevens hadn't picked the same cabin as Sean and I.

"I feel like I'm ten years old again and camping with the fucking Boy Scouts." I grumbled when really there was another reason for my dark mood.

No coaches meant something else for me than it did everyone else. It meant no Samantha.

It meant I wouldn't get to see her for a whole week. That I wouldn't get to work on getting closer to her. Summer break was right around the corner and with it a month long break. If I didn't have some sort of relationship established by then, even if just in a football capacity I might as well say my chances with her were shot.

Which sucked.

All I'd been able to think about all week was her body pressed against my own as we danced. The feel of her smooth skin beneath my hands. The flash of her reluctant smile when I had made her laugh.

It wasn't enough. I needed to talk to her.

Unfortunately, if I had thought what happened between us a the party would change anything, I had been proven wrong at the next practice when she continued to act like I didn't exist. Trying to catch her after practice was just as ineffective. By the time I had showered and changed she was always long gone.

"No if we were camping like boy scouts we'd be outside in tents. Not faking it in these cabins." Connor complained as he unpacked in bag into the side table by his bed.

"Would you stop bitching about that already?" Tyson, who I had been surprised to find had followed me and Sean into this cabin and chosen the bed across from my own. "If you want to pitch a tent and freeze your balls off all night, more power to you."

"I'm sorry man," Connor wouldn't drop his gripping. "But they shouldn't call it camping if they are going to put us up in a shelter with running water and plumbing."

"Speaking of plumbing." Kellum, one of our first string tight ends came out of the bathroom, throwing the magazine he had taken in with him onto the kitchen table. "Might not want to go in there for a little while."

There were groans from the rest of the guys in the room, especially Connor who had been waiting to take a piss. "Man, I'm just gonna go find a tree." He complained as he walked out the back door.

"Don't worry man." Tyson said to me once the gripping had died down. "Come tomorrow night most of the guys here will be sleeping somewhere else. At least, that's how it was in years past."

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