Chapter 21

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I spent a solid hour before my first practice at Carolina State talking myself up. I was intimidated by the new environment, but I would never let that show. So I donned my mask of confidence. If I let it slip then the players would chew me up and I would never gain their respect.

I only had this one chance.

Coaching and training was in my blood. I had been working with my dad's teams all through grade school. Cash even admitted that he wouldn't be the player he was today without me.

So then way was I shaking throughout my whole body?

As I looked out over the large practice facility that housed my fathers new team, it felt so different from my high school field. Better equipment, more coaches, larger facilities. But the main difference was in the players.

I was used to working with high school boys. These players looked and acted more like full grown men. They towered over my small frame with bulging muscles and full beards. They were faster, stronger, bigger, and meaner than any of my high school players.

As I stood just inside the entrance to the field a group of guys passed, eyeing the weird high schooler.

In the distance Dad blew his whistle signaling the beginning of practice. It was now or never.

Taking a deep breath I took my first step into my new life.

Years after taking that first step, I found herself facing that same field full of players and coaches. This time it wasn't the players that intimidated me. No, what had me pausing at the threshold was the fact that this would be my first time on a football field without my dad and brother.

Practice was already in full swing, with Coach Gates having the starters running plays on the field closest to were I stood.

Coach and the other assistant coaches were up in a stand calling plays on megaphones and watching how they played out. I had always hated coaching from the stand. While it gave you a better birds eye view of what was happening on the field, you missed the little things.

For example, when Stevens called for the play snap, no one up in the stands was able to see the slight shaking of his hands, resulting in sloppy ball control at the beginning of the play. Just that one second stumble was enough to cause the play to deteriorate, as he missed the opportunity to hand off to the running back.

By the end of the play, Steven was on his ass in the middle of the field with the ball still clutched in his hands and his face turning red.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked across the field and locked eyes with Liam, who was covering a laugh with his fist. He no doubt was getting as much joy out of seeing Stevens eat it as I was.

Stevens recovered quickly, he bounded to his feet as his running back, John Travis, was passing to line up again. When he grabbed Travis, a light hearted guy and a great football player, by his face mask and started getting in his face, my feet were moving before I even registered it.

"Your making me look bad." Stevens was snarling into Travis's face. "You need to get your fucking timing right."

"Look man..." Travis was starting to defend himself, but I was already on it. No one got to blame someone else for their own poor playing on my field. Least of all Stevens.

"Hey, pretty boy." I called out once I was within shouting distance. "Yeah, you sissy. Don't try passing blame here."

Stevens let go of Travis and turned his full attention on me. At my back I could feel the other players falling in line. They had my back.

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