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stupidity is inevitable

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stupidity is inevitable

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The start of December brought wind and sleet to Hogwarts. Wintry trees stand like ballet dancers poised to show the world their grace, strength showing in how they remain so still in the seasonal gusts. Under the wintry air and sky that has borne dark clouds since November came, Elira sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, wearing a plain black jumper that she stole from Harry.

The said boy was right beside her, refusing to let go of his hold on her waist, using the cold to excuse his actions. Hermione was sitting in front of Elira, with Ron to her right and the twins to her left.

The youngest Weasley boy was busily munching down his last sausage for this morning while the twins were chatting about who knows what — well, one of them anyway. The other was quite preoccupied with staring at a certain Beauxbatons girl at the Ravenclaw table.

"Haz, seriously, I want to eat," Elira whined, trying her hardest to break free from Harry's embrace.

"But it's cold, El!" Harry protested, snuggling even closer.

"Well, then, go hug Ron instead!"

Harry frowned and finally let go of Elira while the blue-eyed girl simply let out a sigh of relief before devouring her breakfast.

"No, thank you," Harry replied. "I'd rather freeze to death."

"Oi!" Ron exclaimed, taking slight offense to his response.

The bespectacled boy only stuck his tongue out at him while Hermione rolled her eyes at their antics. The four Gryffindors continued to peacefully eat their breakfast until a familiar boy ran up to them, carrying two boxes, one of them larger than the other.

"Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley," Nigel said, handing the larger box to Ron. He then turned towards Elira and said, "A letter and a parcel for you, Miss Labelle."

"Thank you, Nigel," Elira and Ron said simultaneously.

Nigel stayed frozen in his spot, gazing at Harry with admiration. Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat and glanced at Ron, who nudged Nigel, "Not now, Nigel. Go on."

Once Nigel left, Harry gave Ron a questioning look. "I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph."

Elira let out an amused laugh, "It seems like you're a celebrity now, Haz."

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