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the truth shall be revealed

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the truth shall be revealed

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It was two weeks before the end of the term and Hogwarts was now covered in white, slushy, crystalline snow. The beautiful castle has now embraced the Christmas season with Professor Flitwick decorating his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be real fairies and several Christmas trees surrounding the Great Hall.

The quartet has decided to stay for Christmas this year, finally experiencing their holidays together as Hermione went home for the first year and was petrified for the second.

Harry and Elira's mood took a definite upturn after Ravenclaw smashed Hufflepuff in their Quidditch match. Cedric particularly has mentioned to Elira how Ravenclaw's seeker, Cho Chang, has distracted him to the point he didn't see the golden snitch fluttering in front of his face. The girl mentally thanked Cho in her head for giving them a chance to win the cup.

Everyone, but Harry, was delighted to hear that there was going to be another Hogsmeade trip. Elira was now thinking of another excuse she could tell Professor McGonagall, but Harry was not going to be selfish. Elira deserved to experience Hogsmeade and not suffer being stuck inside like him. So with much persuasion from Harry, she reluctantly went with Hermione and Ron, but not without promising Harry first that she would bring him something from all the shops they'd go to.

"We should probably do our Christmas shopping while we're here," Hermione suggested, linking her arm with Elira's.

"That'd probably be good, but we should show Lira to Honeydukes first," Ron said, his arm wrapped around Elira's as well.

Entering the sweetshop, Elira could instantly recognize the smell of roasted chocolate enveloping the whole space. Honeydukes was filled with a bunch of students purchasing every candy they could lay their eyes on. There were shelves upon shelves of all the sweets you could ever imagine.

"Chocolate!" Elira exclaimed, walking towards the front where the chocolates were. Taking a bunch in her hands, Ron led them to the "unusual tastes" corner where there were, well… unusual sweets, such as blood-flavored lollipops.

"Do you think Harry would like one of these?" Ron asked, holding up the blood-flavored lollipop.

Elira scrunched her nose, "If he was a vampire, why not?"

"How about these?" Ron shoved a jar of Cockroach Clusters in front of their face. Being afraid of cockroaches, Elira squealed, jumping visibly and quickly hid behind Hermione.

"Definitely not." A familiar voice said which made Ron almost drop the jar.

Elira yelped in surprise. "Merlin's ball sack!"

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