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time is nothing but an illusion

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time is nothing but an illusion

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Elira woke up to Hermione's face hovering above her. Groaning, she sat up and looked at her surroundings. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later but right now we have to save Sirius," Hermione stated, walking up to Harry and shook him awake.

"They've captured Sirius," said Hermione. "Any minute now they're going to perform the Kiss."

"What? They can't! Sirius is innocent!" Elira exclaimed, standing up from the hospital bed.

Harry glanced at her in panic, his mind drifting to when Professor Lupin explained the effects of the Kiss. Before he could say anything, Dumbledore came strutting in, causing Elira to sigh in relief. Surely the headmaster can help Sirius.

"Pa!" Elira walked towards him. "You can't let them perform the Kiss on Sirius! He's innocent! You've got to believe us-"

"It's true, sir!" Ron interjected. "It was my rat, Scabbers, who did it! He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl..."

"The point is," Elira stopped Ron's rambling. "Sirius didn't kill nor had sold out anyone."

"I do believe you," Dumbledore responded calmly. "But the word of four 13-year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true... is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen."

The headmaster strolled over to Ron and patted his injured leg, causing the redhead to whimper, his face contorting in pain.

Hearing the clock in the hospital wing chime, Dumbledore's eyes widened as if he had a realization. "Mysterious thing, time." He muttered. "Powerful... and when meddled with, dangerous."

"Of course," Elira mumbled, catching up on what Dumbledore was thinking. "Hermione's time turner."

Hermione stared at her in shock, "How did you-"

"Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower," Dumbledore informed them. "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight... more than one innocent life may be spared."

"Three turns should do it, I think." He said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Oh, and by the way. When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck." The headmaster bid as he closed the door.

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