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sometimes, home has a heartbeat

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sometimes, home has a heartbeat...

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"I'm warning you, Hermione!" Ron's voice boomed across the room. "Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers, or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." He eyed Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, with disgust.

Elira, Ron, and Hermione were currently in The Leaky Cauldron to pick up Harry, who ran away from his home after blowing up his aunt.

"It's a cat, Ronald. What do you expect?" Hermione sighed, tired of having unnecessary fights with the boy.

Elira just raises a brow at the two of them. In her opinion, they argue like an old married couple. She never really understood why they don't get along, although she has some theories, such as their unknown romantic feelings for each other.

"A cat? Looks more like a pig with hair." Ron cringed, glaring at Crookshanks once more.

"Don't insult Crookshanks like that!"

Elira took Crookshanks from Hermione's arms and pet the cat. She thought that he was cute, or maybe it's just her love for cats speaking. Cats are adorable, well... if you don't include Mrs. Norris. The amount of times that cat got her in trouble is uncountable.

"Harry." Ron gasped, looking behind Elira.

She spun around and saw the green-eyed boy that she quickly became friends with since their first year.

Elira smiled at the sight of him. Harry had gotten taller since she last saw him. His once chubby cheeks had slimmed down, making his jawline more prominent. His raven hair remained untamed, but suited him nonetheless. He was absolutely stunning.

"Hi, El." Harry grinned.

Ron playfully rolls his eyes. "I'm the one who greeted him and yet he still noticed Lira first. Of course! It's hoes before bros."

Hermione slapped the back of his head. "Lira is not a hoe, Ronald." She hissed.

"I was just kidding!" Ron defended, rubbing the spot where Hermione slapped him.

Harry ignored Ron's comment and gave Elira a hug after she gave Crookshanks back to Hermione.

"I missed you." He whispered, his head buried in her neck. Harry absolutely loves how Elira smells. She always smelled like vanilla with a mix of lavender. Even if she was sweating rivers, the scent was still present.

"I missed you too, Haz." Elira replied.

"You're the only person I know who calls me that." He laughed, his arms still wrapped around her securely.

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