"We're here group! We'll take a few minute break, to get in formation, and catch our breath, then we'll take down Illfang!" Diavel boomed, his hands on his hips, armour clanging. Everybody began to move around, finding their groups.

Heidi, Max and Remi, walked towards Diavel, joining him, as they were in his group. The swordsman and red cape girl, were already standing nearby.

"Hey, you three." Diavel greeted, "You know we're the highest levels, so we're going to be the main damage makers- try your best, okay?" Heidi nodded her head, feeling a bit sick to her stomach. "Oh, by the way, this is Kirito, and Asuna, I don't believe you've met."

Heidi looked towards the black swordsman, -Kirito- and the girl, who was Asuna. She dipped her head in greeting, offering a small smile."I'm Heidi." Kirito smiled back, a glint in his eyes, while Asuna merely nodded, her hood still up. Max and Remi also introduced themselves, giving small waves.

It seemed everybody was ready now- they stood in tight groups, 6 people each. Diavel nodded towards them, advancing forward, to open up the door. "Get ready!"

The doors opened with a sinister creak, showing a dark, circular, stone room. Heidi's stomach did a flop, and she looked pale with fright. Her hands quivered the slightest bit, as she grabbed her longsword, and stepped into the room, following Max and Remi. The groups formed up, in their proper formations. Everybody awaited in a sickly silence, for the boss to appear. It was so quiet, Heidi felt as if people could hear her heartbeat.

But then an ear-spitting, piercing cry came from above, and the boss fell from othe roof, landing on it's two giant feet, shaking the floor. It was easily over 8 metres, and it appeared to be a cross between a kangaroo, and a wolf, with horn-like earts, red fur, and daunting copper eyes. It held a menacing bone axe, and a shield covered in leather. It had minions all around it, wielding their weapons dangerously. Heidi felt scared, but she knew she had to push those feelings away, if she was to survive.

"Everybody, formations, let's take down this demon!"


Heidi stood there, dazed, as she watched Kirito hold his body, and it shatter to the familiar blue pieces she had seen so often. But now, those pieces were someone's soul, drifting away, fading from existance, just like Diavel. She watched, as the demon slashed its way around, wiping out people from its right, and left. Heidi stood frozen, as the beast's eyes locked with her own, lumbering towards her, with mighty, ground-shaking steps. It raised its sword, the one that had just killed a dozen people, about to strike her. But Heidi didn't do a thing. She had just watched a man die, how could she?

But in the second the beast was about to kill her, a boy's voice made her snap out of it- it was Kirito, yelling her name at the top of his lungs, racing towards her. Heidi's eyes widened, and suddenly everybody's voices came back into sound, including Max Remi's, and Asuna's who were crying out her name, before they were knocked back and dazed by the beast's tail. Time seemed to slow down, as Heidi raised her sword, in the nick of time, half blocking Illfang's attack- even so, it had taken off half of her health. But Heidi didn't care- she would fight, and defeat this thing, even if it meant she would die, even if it was the first floor. She summoned the greatest sword skill she knew- her 15 combo "Flash," raising the silver thing, as it glowed blue with the skill.

She started slashing, breathing heavily with the energy that flowed through her- she was mildly aware of Kirito coming to join her, giving out the exact same skill set, at the same fast speed as hers. Together, they brought the beast's health down, chunk by chunk, hitting it at the exact same time, until, the creature shattered and exploded with a wail. Heidi fell to her knees, tears forming in her eyes, as she panted, catching her breath. Her word fell beside her, arms trembling. The congratulations sign popped up infront of her, showing they abundant amounts of XP and Col gained. There was an extra item listed, but Heidi paid no attention to it, as she pressed "OK" gloomily. Her HP was now in the lower red zone, only about 50 from being 0.

Max and Remi ran over to her, while Asuna went to see if Kirito was alright- he was exactly like Heidi.

"YOU IDIOT, YOU COULD HAVE DIED, HEIDI!" Max screamed, tears pooling out of her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around her friend, squeezing her.

Remi joined in, crying as well, though not saying a word. Heidi felt hot tears trickle down her cheeks, and she let out a choking noise, sniffling.

"I'm... I'm sorry." She whispered, standing up. Looking around. Asuna was helping Kirito up, who had a Health potion in his mouth, still looking shocked. Heidi figured she needed the same, so she took one out, and popped it in her mouth.

"Hey!" Came an angry voice from behind; it sounded like the red-haired man that had confronted Beta testers the day before. "How come you two knew about the new sword? You never told anybody! Now Diavel's dead because of you!" He screamed, his face turning red with rage. "You two wanted the last-drop, didn't you? You're worse than a Beta tester! You're.... You're cheaters! YOU'RE GODDAMN BEATERS!"

Heidi gasped, taking a few steps back, as everyone started talking, siding with the angry man. Max and Remi joined Heidi, putting their hands on her shoulder, for support. Heidi opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by Kirito's voice.

"Yeah, that's right. Beater... Sounds, good, be sure not to mistake us with those stupid beta testers- they were just noobs within the game. We're the ones who actually got somewhere." Kirito's voice sounded weird- cocky, but as if he was playing a part in a play. "Be sure not to mistake us for beta's."

And with that, he equipped a black cloak, that Heidi reconized as "The Cloak of Midnight." She gasped, watching him as he walked away with a such a rare prize.... She had gotten something as well! Opening her inventory, she checked for new items, scrolling down. There it was! Her eyes grew wide- she almost fell over with surprise. Heidi had gotten one of the rarest, and most valuable drops within the game- (or so she read on the notice board) a Blue Rose Sword. It was strange.... This drop was supposed to come from a white dragon, deep on floor 55- you only got it if you defeated X'rphan the White Wyrm Dragon, alone. Even then, there was literally a one percent chance of getting it- how did she get it for defeating a floor one boss? And why did she get something, when Kirito got the last drop? She figured it was a glitch, but a freaky one at that. But she wouldn't dwell on it- a Blue Rose Sword was something to celebrate over, since she had gotten the only one.

Heidi decided not to equip the sword, but save it for later- in the privacy of a hotel room. "C'mon guys, lets go." She muttered, grabbing onto Max's and Remi's sleeves. The three of them walked towards the doors that would take them out of the boss room- they would go to the second floor the next day. For now, they needed rest. All three of them took out their rather expensive teleport crystals, signaled them to go to The Town Of Beginnings, and easily were engulfed in the blue dimonds.

When they arrived at the teleport stop, it hit Heidi. They had defeated the boss. Hope for beating SAO was finally trickling into view.

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