Chapter 14

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Chase and I just finished breakfast. Nothing is planned for the day, and I am looking forward to having some time to chill out. I just wish I could do it at home. 

"Since we're married, I think it's time to go over what I expect from you."

I roll my eyes at that statement. Even if I were married to someone that I loved, I would not want my husband to have a setlist of rules for me. 

"Little things like that are going to have to stop; I do not care for you having an attitude."

I guess the eye roll was not as subtle as I thought. 

"Shall I go on?"

I nod.

"Great. You won't have to clean, I have maids to do that, and you won't have to cook dinner as I have a cook, but you will have to make something for breakfast and lunch. You don't have to make those meals for me as well, but I won't complain if you do." 

So breakfast and lunch for only me. Check!

"For me to respect you, you must respect me. That means no talking back and being obedient. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do unless I think it will be good for you. You will get a warning, but if the behavior that I am not liking continues, you will be punished. Is that clear?"

I nod once more. 

He sighs and puts his head in his hands before looking at me again.

"Words, Lex. I need words."

"I understand." 

He then grabbed our dishes and put them in the sink. 

"I have to head into the office for a couple of hours. I remind you that you may go anywhere in the house or property unless the door is locked. There should be plenty to keep you entertained. Don't even try to escape because even if you do, which is doubtful, I will find you, and the consequences will be so great that you can't even imagine."

He kisses my forehead and heads out. 

So, I am obviously going to come up with a plan to escape. Assuming he works five days a week, that should give me plenty of alone time to come up with something. I go to the front door and see that it needs a code to be unlocked, so it will be challenging to make my exit that way unless I figure that code out. None of the windows on the front side on the house's first floor open, only the ones on the backside since they go to the backyard. 

The backyard is enormous but is fenced in. I walk the fence's perimeter, and the electric barbed wire may be difficult to get over. There's also a garage, but it needs a code to open the doors. 

I walk back to the front door and try any code I think it may be—my birthday. To my surprise, it works. I open the door but am not sure what to do next. Since the door is hooked up to an alarm system, it sends the owner a notification when opened, so I need to act fast. I had no idea it would work, but before I could change my mind, I sprinted out the door. 

I make it down the driveway and don't see any cars on the road. I will not be trying to get help from someone on the road as I know where that got me last time. I jog to the right about half a mile before crossing the street and continuing straight. I keep making random turns to try and avoid Chase being able to find me. 

I make it to a little town and decide to rest there for a bit. I don't have any money with me, but perhaps I could find a phone to call the police and get help. I found a payphone, I did not know they still had those, but it needs money to work. A couple walks by, and I try to explain that I need some change, but I don't speak Italian, and they don't speak English. 

I spot a fountain in the middle of the square and rush over. Hopefully, visitors have made wishes and dropped some euros in there. The bottom of the fountain glistens as I walk closer, and I breathe a breath of relief. There are tons of coins. I look around to make sure no one is watching before sticking my hand in and grabbing a handful. 

I go back to the phone and dial the emergency number. I am able to explain that I need someone who speaks English and the operator seems to understand as she puts me on hold. I hear a ding before someone says.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Hi, my name is Alexa Lewis. I was kidnapped and taken here from the United States."

"Okay, are you currently in a safe space?"

"I think so. I'm not really sure where I am. I just escaped from his house."

"Alright, and is there anything you can tell me about your captor."

"Yes, his name is--"

Before I get my answer out, the phone is snatched from my hand and put back into place. 

"Oh no, tired of me already?" 

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