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Family overview:

TayNew - Gulf.

Tay: Multimillionaire businessman with his hard work, cold-hearted, arrogant, badmouth. Loves New and is extremely possessive since college times whom he lost due to his own mistakes. Still waits for him to return, but has no idea of his current whereabouts or existence. Don't know about his child Gulf. 

New: Owner of multiple restaurants at different places with his passion and hard work. Loved Tay since college, but parted ways from him due to the mistakes of the past. Cut-off all connections with the past and started a new life in a different country with his child Gulf who is the only priority of his life. Still misses Tay, but fear of the past and Gulf's existence stops him from reconnecting.

Gulf: Kid of TayNew. Kind, soft-hearted, and smart. Loves his mother and is extremely possessive about him. Only takes a second to turn into a cold-hearted devil once someone messes with his family. Does not know about Tay and never asked New about him to avoid hurting his mother.


KongArt - Saint.

Kongpob - Multimillionaire businessman who took over his father's company and expanded it further to new heights. Can be kind, caring, cold, and strict per situation and people. Loves Arthit since college times whom he left due to a misunderstanding. When the reality hit him, it was too late as the love of his life already vanished into thin air unknown to anyone even his family. He prays for his return every day but has no idea of his current whereabouts or existence. Don't know about his child Saint.

Arthit: Works in an engineering company as a HOD. Loved Kongpob since college, but left him due to a misunderstanding. Cut-off all connections with the past for the sake of his unborn child's safety and started a new life in a different country with his child Saint who is his whole world. 

Saint: Kid of KongArt. Beautiful, hot-headed, and caring in nature. Loves his mother to the core and only cares about his family and friends. Does not know about Kong and never asked Arthit to avoid anything that could hurt his family.


OffGun - Win.

Off: One of the wealthy businessmen who started from scratch and ended up building a whole empire including schools, universities, and hospitals. Once a kind, bubbly, soft-hearted, and playful nature boy who turned into a stern and icy-cold man ever since the love of his life Gun left him. He stopped being a playboy when he found Gun, but lack of communication caused him to lose the only person who owns his heart. Turned everything upside down to find him and get him back, but all in vain. Still waiting for a miracle to happen when his life could give him one chance to cherish the person he ever cared for. 

Gun: Owner of online fashion business store i.e. well known all over the world. Loved Off since college, but never admitted to the fear of losing his best friend. But, a drunk mistake turned his world upside down when fear of rejection took over. So, he left all of his past and went to a new country with no direction or hope, but soon turned into a workaholic when his son came into existence. He is the only world for which he lives. Still misses Off, but still not ready to face him or contact him. 

Win: Cute, soft-hearted, and a bubbly nature kid who can turn into a mess and a most fragile person once emotions take over. Loves and cares for his mother, but has no clue about his father. 


Side couples overview: 

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, and MingKit- Bright. 

ForthBeam, PhaYo, and MingKit are college friends who turned into lovers and later husbands. Forth and Ming are successful engineers, but Forth is also a leader of the world's biggest mafia with his right hand Ming and deals without doing any illegal work. 

However, Beam (neurologist), Phana (cardiologist), and Kit (kids specialist) are well-known doctors working under the same roof since their internship. 

Lastly, Yo took over his father's business and handles it, but also involved in NGOs and charity work.

Just like their parents, Zee, Mew, and Bright are childhood friends or more like brothers. They are always together and be each other's strength just like their parents during their college time. Zee seems to be hot-headed from the outside but is kind on the inside. Mew is friendly, kind, and outgoing, but can turn into one's worst nightmare if hurt his family/friends. On the other hand, Bright is bit-introvert and arrogant to avoid unwanted friends or people around him.

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