2| Boss

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Anger filling my veins as I walk out of the hotel

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Anger filling my veins as I walk out of the hotel. I have to deal with clients who think they can get away with not paying me, which pisses me off.

I have more important things to do than deal with Stupido sciocchi.

Translation: (stupid fools.)

My phone buzz's in my pocket, I let out an annoyed huff as I dig through my pocket and grab my phone. "Boss, Gli uomini di Fernando sono in zona. Noi stato monitoraggio. Vuoi che ce ne occupiamo noi?" Octavius's voice comes through the phone.

Translation: (Fernando's men are in the area. We have been monitoring. Do you want us to take care of it?)

"No, dove si trovano?" Octavius sent me the location after hanging up. I get in my car and start the engine. I drive in the direction that Octavius sent to me.

Translation (No, where are they?)

No one but my man know I'm in New York. Unless you count the three men that lost their lives in the Brentman hotel.

As I get into the area where Fernando's men were last seen, I slowly roll down the window. I hear a faint whining like a dog crying.

I pull over and get out of the car and follow the sound.

In the distance, there's what looks like someone lying on the floor. I pick up my pace. As I get closer, I can clearly see it's a girl and a dog.

The dog nudges her with its snout, trying to get her to wake up. I get closer, and the dog turns to me, snarling as it does so.

What the hell?

I can't see what the woman looks like; her dirty blonde hair is covering most of her face.

"Ah, it's ok, I'm here to help." I say it softly. The dog slowly inches forward, just enough that I could make out the name on the dog tag. Bailey, I read.

"It's ok, Bailey, come here." I crouch down, patting the floor next to me. I stick my hand out. She starts to smell my hand.

I try to touch the woman lying unconscious on the floor, but Bailey snaps at my hand. "I'm trying to help." She barks at me again.

Am I  really agreeing with a fucking dog?

"Want me to help or what?" I say, get a little frustrated. Bailey moved aside. I can tell that Bailey needs to get checked out by a veterinarian because she was limping.

I move so that I'm closer to the girl, moving the hair out of my face. Her lip is busted, and a bruise is already forming on her cheekbone.

Even with the injuries, she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. The faint freckles going across her nose. Her lips were full, and her top lip was just slightly smaller than the bottom.

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