"I like Zayn and Niall the best I think," I shrug.

"Is Zayn the one with the most tattoos?" she asks.

"Yeah, brown eyes too, black hair and his tan skin,"

"Sounds like you're in love," she chuckles.

"With Zayn?" I clarify.

"Yes," she nods, looking out the window.

"I would say love because I don't know him," I shrug.

"That's true," she shrugs. "What's your favourite song from the album?"

"The song reminds me of when Abby and I were partying every weekend before she got pregnant," I smile at the memories. "It's called Little Black Dress,"

"Oh yea, my granddaughter is obsessed with that one, and Lewis," she nods.

"Louis?" I correct her.

"Is that his name?" she widens her eyes.

"Yeah," I giggle. "Well," I click my tongue. "This is me," I grab my bag.

"So soon?" she said.

"Yeah, thank you for the tissue," I hold it up before shoving in my pocket.

"Good luck my dear," she said.

"Thank you," I said. "Bye," I wave before stepping off the bus. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk down the street with my arms wrapped around my stomach.

Walking down the street, I let tears shower down my cheeks. I didn't want this baby, but I'm against abortions but I should have just gotten one. I love Nate and I should have just done what he wanted, it's his baby after all. I still want to be with him, I love him but he knocked me up and threatened me about it.

He was very threatening, it scared me a little. I'm not just gonna give it up, if he's not gonna help me then he can fuck himself. I'll just have to do it myself.

I knock on the door and in a minute, my grandma opens the door. "Emma?"

"H-Hi, can I stay here for a bit?" I let a few tears slip.

"Why, child?"

"Mom kicked me out and I don't have anywhere to stay," I frown. "I'm pregnant, I'm a disgraceful slut," I use my moms words and let the tears start pouring out again. She looks at me sadly before stepping out the way.

"Why are you pregnant?" she asks.

"You remember my boyfriend Nate?" I throw my bag on the bed, flicking the light on to see a single bed and a drawer next to it.

"Yes..." she nods slowly.

"Well, you do the math," I shrug.

"You're pregnant before marriage?" she raises her voice a little.

"I didn't expect to be pregnant," I shake my head.

"You did the naughty before marriage too!" she widens her eyes.

"That's not a rule here," I shake my head.

"Of course it's a rule here,"

"What did you do when mom get pregnant with me? she wasn't married either!" I snap.

"Please don't snap at me," she speaks quieter.

"Then don't make me snap, I'm a slut okay," I let my moms words get to me.

"No you're not," she sighs, sitting on the bed next to me. "You're not a slut,"

"Well, how did I end up pregnant?" I sniff, tears filling my eyes again.

"Because some idiot," she said.

"I still love him," I sniff again.

"He's your boyfriend,"

"No, not anymore," I wipe my eyes with the tissue.

"It's okay sweet," she rubs my back.

"It is?"

"Yeah, you can stay here for as long as you want," she kisses my forehead.

"Thank you," I smile.

Niall Horan
I've only met Emma once, she doesn't sense. Abby is actually freaking out right now and I'm trying to keep her calm, for her and the babies because she can't stress to much. I was scared for Emma, she's alone with her feelings right now.

"Simon," I knock on his door which he opened.

"What?" he looks at both of us.

"Simon, I know you're not going to like this but my best friend really needs help," she says quickly.

"Your best friend?" he furrows his brows.

"I've only met her friend once and...she needs help," I add just to make it seem believable.

"What?" he arches a brow.

"She's pregnant like me, but she has no help and no money, she's living with her grandma because her boyfriend broke up with her because she's pregnant, her mom kicked her out too, she's scared and doesn't know what to do," Abby explains.

"What's this got to do with my help?"

"Can we have her on tour?" I say, his eyes widening.

"What?" he gapes.

"You really don't understand Simon, I've only met her once and I can't believe it," I convince.

"You want some random I've never met, on the tour because she's pregnant and alone?"

"Yes," we say at the same time. "She's not here for the boys, I want her on the tour so she's with me, she's scared," Abby said.

"Abby," he shakes his head. "You're lucky you're on here-"

"Please Simon, she just needs to be with Abby. Like I said I've only met her once and...I know how scared and alone she is right now," I explain.

"You don't understand how much of a shock this is for all of us," Abby gets teary eyed. "Her boyfriend said she needed to get an abortion or he's leaving her but she didn't so he left her, her mom kicked her out and she doesn't know what to do,"

Something in his eyes seemed like he even felt bad. His closed his eyes and dropped his head. "Okay," he whispers, our heads snapping to each other. "I actually feel bad, I'll pay for her plane ticket," he said.

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" Abby beams.

"Thank you Simon," I sigh in happiness.

"Tell your friend," he said.

happy little emma🥺🤰

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