Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (half 1)

Start from the beginning

Mario: Why are you so obsessed with screwing your chances over?

Banri: I just want to be taken seriously and you screwed it up last week so i am trying to retaliate so just stay still and let me get retaliation!

*Mario ducks under the chair shot and dropkicks Banri onto his ass before continuing to speak*

Mario: You ever considered that the blame is yours and not your opponents?. Because YOU lost the match by YOURSELF, not anyone else for you and it was because despite my warnings you still opted to doom yourself with your tactics!

Banri: Well you DO have some of the blame considering you ended up goading me into not fighting how i want to and that was when i got offense in the most consecutively which shows i am not good as a delinquent which is something i have to be good at!

Mario: Still your fault for following my advice when you could have chosen not to do it even if it would have doomed yourself more.

Banri: Make up your mind Mario! Did you want to help me or screw me in multiple ways?. Because you are sounding like you wanted both!

Mario: I just want you to realize that you are better off not being what you want but what you need to be to be succesful!

Banri: Then why are you preaching otherwise!!!

Mario: Huh?

Banri: Think about it, back in the past you were what you needed to be and not wanted to and now you are what you want to be and not what you need to be succesful! Do what you say for once!

Mario: Fair though you are wrong on me just being what i want to be since i am both what i want and need to be right now and i am succesful. However, you are not current me but past me so you need to be what you need to be and not what you want and i am sorry if that does not please you but as someone with experience in CAW, telling the truth is the best policy.

*This part ends with Mario leaving as Banri just hurls the chair around in anger*

Week 4:

Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros: The story of this match just like the match between Mario and Banri was to show how this time both the Mario Bros were running around circles of Banri cheating and that Zange was the only reason the match didnt end in half the time it did since he was fighting clean and thus being a threat to the brothers till they started to teamwork and what was back and forth with Zange in became a 80/20 lead for the brothers just like it was for them when facing Banri without teaming up which turned the match into a squash.

However the key difference here was how no matter how much attempts at trying to make Banri change made him fight clean since Banri was convinced that Mario was trying to screw him up so he chose to not let him and try to win the match to a failing result

In the end, Mario and Luigi hit Fire and Thunder (Electric Chair/Diving Uppercut combo) on Banri and covered him to get the clean victory.

Week 5:

We see Luigi and Zange having a conversation on this occasion and this is what it goes like:

Luigi: Sorry for how we have been treating your tag team partner.

Zange: Don't apologize, it was bound to happen to him eventually considering how stubborn he is.

Luigi: Still, i can't avoid feeling bad about what Mario said of him having to be what he needs to and not what he wants to even if it was the truth.

Zange: On that topic, i have a question and i don't mean to doubt your cleanliness in the ring but...remember when i said "right now" when talking about how you were no longer like back in the day?.

Luigi: You are not gonna suggest we are returning to being evil right?

Zange: Oh no i would never, or at least not you but rather Mario because even if you were a bit condescent towards Banri, Mario was worse considering he not just told Banri what he told him but pretty much manipulated him in his singles match and then the tag team match into first fighting clean which showed he couldnt cut it as what he wanted to be and then continued on that because due to those words he didnt even try what gave him a fighting chance during the singles match and worsened even worse his chances of being a succesful delinquent which i may not like but is still wrong.

Luigi: Are you sure you aren't making mountains out of nothing?. Because right now that is what it is sounding like because Mario was just giving advice to your parnter and he himself rejected it twice dooming himself. Shouldn't you be happy that you are gonna get to be what you want to be and not what Banri needs you to be if he learns from that double defeat?.

Zange: I know i should be happy but first Banri is too stubborn to change with just two defeats because of his way of doing things and second, the one time he opted to follow your brother's coaching it damaged his wanted image due to fighting better without it.

Luigi: You are really odd aren't you? You are not happy when you should be.

Zange: I WANT to be happy but not just me but with my friend even if it is seemingly impossible and even if with good intentions Mario did evil and as much as you may dislike it he may be relapsing and that will lend you in my position and you will not like it so i have to stop it before it gets out of control.

Luigi: Hold it right there, you are putting the blame on my brother and not expect me to come to his defense?. Listen, this is what we are gonna do, next week you and i face off and if you win, you get to face Mario but when i win you and Banri let us help you?.

Zange: Good enough of a deal. However, be warned that you are not facing Banri who screws himself against you both but me who you both had relatively difficulty against in the tag team match so do not expect something easy.

Luigi: Good luck to you too.

*This part ends with Zange and Luigi shaking hands to officialize their match*

Week 6:

If Zange wins, he faces Mario, Luigi vs Zange:

The story behind this match was rather simple with Luigi still holding an edge over Zange which was 75/25 due to experience in the ring albeit Zange also showing that he wasn't Banri and thus was not an easy target and specially knew that cheating against the Mario Bros was a bad idea so he didn't do it. That said, there was also another motive which was the prize for winning that made Zange be more of a challenge than he already was since he intended to get through Luigi to get to Mario and stop him from relapsing and burdening Luigi like he was.

That said Luigi also was still keeping the lead despite Zange being a challenge with motivation for winning due to him also having a motivation for winning which was putting Zange on his place for blaming Mario for doing good because it was affecting his partner and even if he did say he understood it...Luigi didnt see it that way hence why he wanted to beat him both to put him in his place and keep being able to do their job on Banri to make him change.

In the end, Zange hit a Straight Jacket Suplex on Luigi and covered him to get the clean victory.

After the match, we see a tense moment with Luigi making Zange wait for a handshake and then accepting it before leaving the ring and Zange just raising an eyebrow.


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