"Okay." I sigh and move to lean up against the counter, just watching. "If you decide to stop being so prideful, I'm happy to help."

Harry just stares at me for a moment, his face softening, before he turns his back to me and starts to tidy up the table. Albie continues to reach out for his dad and Luella has completely shut herself off from Harry, still crying but not wanting to look at him. He too ignores her, clearly pissed off about this whole situation.

"Albie, please for the love of god just leave me alone for one minute whilst I sort this out." He mutters, and Albie falls silent. There's a few short seconds where Harry is relieved before I think he feels guilty because he's turning back around and apologising to Albie. "Little love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that I just-" He cuts himself off with a groan.

"Why is Albie so upset?" I casually ask and take a sip of my water.

Harry, feeling guilty, now picks his overbearing child up and immediately, Albie is clinging to him like a koala. He holds his dad with so much strength that his body starts to shake.

"I don't know." He mutters before he's moving back over to the counter and grabbing another silicone bowl. "He's just been extra clingy today."

"Have you asked him what's wrong?"

Harry doesn't answer the question directly, but I know the answer from his response.

"He doesn't talk."

I flash my eyebrows at him. "I wonder why that is."

He snaps his head to look at me with a look so spiteful and intimidating, I have to look away.

"He has a speech and language therapist. I've been in regular contact with the nursery about getting one for his development, he starts on Monday." He snaps, and for a second it does shock me and then I feel bad for the snide comment especially after telling myself to keep them to myself.

"Right...Sorry." I mumble and watch as he sucks in a deep breath and wipes the scowl from his face. "Although it would be great if you told me this stuff. I know I'm not entitled to it and you probably don't want to tell me but I am a carer."

Harry freezes for a moment, just looking at me with a soft expression before he's just nodding his head. He is immediately turning his back to me and opens the cupboard up in search of cereal again.

My eyes then fall onto Luella who has her head in her hands, shaking and crying. I don't think she's actually giving herself enough time to take in a full breath and I genuinely think she is minutes away from exhausting herself, maybe even passing out.

"Uh- and Lula?" I ask, pointing my index finger at her making Harry glance at her before turning back to the cupboard.

"She woke me up screaming because there was a spider in her room so I caught it and chucked it out the window. Now she won't stop crying because apparently it was her friend and I killed it."

I can't help but laugh under my breath, finding it a bit amusing how something so small to us causes so much distress to small children. Either way, her feelings are valid so my laughter is very short. I don't want to upset her even more.

"Okay and you do realise she looks like she's on the verge of passing out, right?"

Harry is then quickly snapping his head to properly look at Luella and is grumbling under his breath. With Albie still on his hip, he places his bowl of cheerios - no milk - onto the table and tries to put Albie down in his seat but he clings to Harry for dear life.

"Albie, I love you so much but please. Please, please, please just sit and eat your breakfast." He begs but Albie just shakes his head. Harry then, seeing me as a last resort, points to me. "What about Edora? Say hi to her."

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