A few moments later, Robin spoke up surprising all of them since they didn't expect him to dare to make the dark knight seem less scary and more human. "I was training in the Batcave as I heard a sound. I slowly walked through the cave and ended in front of a door. As I looked inside, I saw Batman sitting on a couch and watching my little pony. Crying slightly at one point. Because, and I quote, 'I want to know why exactly it was the only girly show she watched as she was little.' But I could see he liked it. So, we developed a tradition with 'her' to watch this show every weekend." The team laughed again.

This time much louder and longer after all, who would have imagined Batman watching little kid shows. "Okay, but I have one question." Zatanna said as Robin signalled her to go on. "Who is 'she'?" "My sister."

Most of the team was shocked. Robin barely gives away information's about his real life and now he told everyone he has a sister? "Is she also a vigilante?" Kaldur asked, curious. "No. and Batman would rather go out in public more than letting her become a vigilante." The raven-haired-boy answered.

Riptide had to keep in a snort. "Why?" She tried to sound truly interested. "Because she doesn't know the slightest bit about defending herself hand to hand and it would be too dangerous."

The youngest of them all decided to step in. "Okay, my story. Which should I choose?" She rubbed her hands mischivously. "Oh, I know! Once I had to be the guard of the princess, and it was the free day of the King. The two of them swam through the ocean for a while, until they reached a part full of seaweed. He swam through it and was stuck there forever. In the end he was there for about five hours because the princess and I had to swim back and get others to help."

The games and questions continued until the mentors came to bring their protégés home. The next few days were spend peacefully and with fun for everyone, especially a certain girl, who spend years away from her family and friends.

Two weeks passed since Percy came back from her dimension adventure. Now Percy had school again.

School just ended and the girl decided to walk because she came out earlier than usual. As suddenly a hand held a piece of cloth in front of her mouth and nose. She had to breath or get unconscious due to the lack of oxygen.

The girl passed out and the person carried her away. Hours later they brought the still unconscious ravenette to a room without window and just a chair inside.

As Percy gained conscious again and saw a person starring at her. "So, you are the girl, father was so obsessed with? The so proclaimed 'greatest swordsperson in over three centuries." The woman, as Percy now can say, asked her. "Why should I know how to wield a sword? I'm just an average girl." She said with a confused look on her face.

But the Woman began to laugh. "Please, I know you are much more than you let others see.-" Percy interrupted her. "If you know so much about me, who are you, and who am I?"

The green-eyed older woman looked annoyed. "You are Persephone Wayne, a great swordsperson. If you need to know who I am. I am Talia Al Ghul daughter of Ra's Al Ghul."

Percy groaned. "Well, you told me who you are, now let's come to the point, why am I here and why should I do whatever you need?" Talia's face turned into a smirk. "Right to the point I see.-"

But she was interrupted by the opening of the door. "Mother, what is the meaning of this? Why did you order me to this room?" A little boy about four years came in.

Talia turned around to face the boy. "Don't speak a word and stand still in the corner while looking at the girl." She told him without emotions before she faced Percy again. "This is my son Damian, and we want you to train with him sword fighting. He will get training from us, but your skills will help him."

The girl rolled her eyes. "Why should I do this? Aren't the Al Ghul's the leader of a group of assassins?" Talia's face showed a bit of anger, but she remained clam. "Look at him directly and tell me what you see."

Percy did as the older woman said and looked at the boy for the first time closely. She gasped. "He looks like a mini-version of my dad. How?"

"He is the son of Bruce. This is why you will help him. If someone is family, you help them and do everything for their survival. Your training might be one of the only things that will keep him alive over the next few years. Besides, one day I will send him to live with his father and it would be good for him to know at least one person. And you saw a bit of the league, so either you help him, or we have to kill you."

Percy looked once again closely at the dark-haired-boy in the corner. She couldn't help but noticing how cute he was. Percy gave in, she didn't even know the boy but was already protective over him.

He was practically her little brother, how could she let him alone with assassins without somebody to show him how it feels to be loved and cared about. If he would have no one he would grow to become a cold hearted assassin who don't know what mercy is.

She did the only thing that came to her mind. "Fine. I will do my best to come at least two weekends per months to train Damian. But you have to let me go. And I would propose, one of your assassins, let it looks like he just kidnaped me for the money. I don't think dad and Dick would believe me if I told them I managed to sneak away from my kidnaper without an injury."

Talia agreed with Percy. The older woman led her out, after dismissing Damian, and brought Percy to the Helicopter. "Next Friday at 7pm on the docs of Gotham. The Helicopter will pick you up. If you are late, you will have to face consequences." With that the door shut down and Percy became blindfolded and knocked out.

A few hours later, she woke up again, but to the sound of fighting. The first thing the girl noticed, were the injuries all over her body. No fatal ones, just enough to bleed a bit and let them look nasty. Clearly, they were instructed to not harm her too much, or she couldn't train Damian the next weekend.

Currently, Batman and Robin were fighting the two poor souls who 'kidnapped' her. Both were knocked out soon and the two heroes untied her. "Are you alright miss?" Robin asked her and Percy had to supress a chuckle, she couldn't even imagine how Dick had to act, just to not let his cover slip.

"Yes, thank you both. What happened? I just walked from school as-" But she cut herself off and let out a fake cry of pain. To both males, it sounded real. "As a cloth was hold in front of my face and everything went black. Now I woke up and you two fought these guys. Why do I have injuries?"

Robin spoke up while Batman communicated with someone through his communicator. "These two men kidnaped you because of the money of your uncle. You were out for over eleven hours. We will bring you home safely. Come on." The boy smiled friendly at Percy as she slowly stood up, while pretending to be in pain due to the wounds she got.

Batman spoke up. "No, we won't bring her home. I talked to mister Wayne, and he asked us to bring her to the hospital instead to let her wounds checked out." Percy groaned but let the two drive her to the hospital.

Ten minutes after the heroes left, Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson appeared in the entrance and asked for the room their female family member was. A nurse led them to her while a doctor cleaned the wounds. "I'm afraid, some of them probably leave scars miss Wayne. And I have to stich at least three of them."

"Thanks mister. Don't worry about the scars I don't care." As the doctor went on, the girl noticed her family standing in the door. "Dad, Dick. Hi."

"Hey Percy, how are you?" Dick asked. "I'm fine, I might keep some scars and have a twisted ankle, but I'm fine."

"This doesn't sound like you are fine. However, you won't go to school for the next few days. Not until you are healed." Bruce informed his daughter.

A few moments later, she was ready to leave the hospital. As the tree of them reached Wayne manor, Percy walked straight to her room and grabbed her phone. She just listened to music while scrolling through Pinterest.

Percy thought about everything that happened over the last hours. At dinnertime, Alfred called her downstairs.

Family of secrets (Fem!PercyXDC)Where stories live. Discover now