🌑 Ep.6: Dipper Vs Manliness 🌑

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I am too manly- mani- or whatever it is you said!"

"Look, face the music, kid. You got no muscles, you smell like baby wipes, and your scream sounds like a two year old baby."

A growl escaped Dipper's lips, and I quickly placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down, looking at the other two. "Hey c'mon, lay off him a little! Dipper's done some pretty incredible things these past few weeks."

He smiled at that, cheeks a little rose, until Stan took a swig of his drink before speaking. "You clearly haven't heard of last Tuesday's incident."


Dipper stood in front of the mirror wearing nothing but a towel around his waste, singing into a hairbrush.
Disco girl!
Coming through!
That girl is you!

Stan then opened the bathroom door, Dipper quickly screaming. "DON'T COME IN DON'T COME IN!!!"


Mabel snickered. "You were listening to girly Icelandic pop sensation Babba?!"

Letting out an awkward giggle, he looked away in embarrassment. "No, haha, I wasn't-! Look, I'm plenty masculine!! See this chest here?!"

He ended up pulling down his shirt, all three of us looking away, though I looked away for.. o-other reasons....

"PUT IT AWAY!!! PUT IT AWAY!!!" Mabel yelled, followed by Stan.


"Oh man.."

Once Mabel and Stan continued to laugh, I knew it was safe to look, Dipper finally had enough. "Fine, family of little faith, get ready to eat your words. And a plate of delicious pancakes."

Walking over, he stretched to get ready. It was one of those 'Test your grip' games where you had to push this lever as hard as you could. Dipper gave it all he had, and I assume he got a bad score because he turned to everyone to say, "This thing is broken, it's totally broken, guys."

That's when Manly Dan, Wendy's Dad, walked over to the machine. Dipper tried to say that it was broken once again, but Dan simply pushed the lever with his pinky finger and ended up breaking the machine, pancakes flying into everyone's plates, and when Dipper looked over to us, Stan and Mabel only laughed that much more.

I felt.. horrible..

He ended up running out of the diner, to which I quickly stood up and ran after him. Once I reached the forest, his footsteps were easy to follow, and it didn't take me long to find him as he- ...

Tried to lift 'weights' with a twig....

"Two.... three..... four......!" He panted for air as he threw the branch away, then looked under his shirt. "No chest hair yet.."

"You know,"


"I don't think puberty works that way." I walked over, arms crossed.

His cheeks grew red. (y/n)!! Uh- h-how long have you been standing there..?!"

"Long enough to know this really affects you.."

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now