Gradient meets a Cyborg Angel

Start from the beginning

"C-Come on. I-I-I-I a-am almost th-the-there. Please!"

Gradient said, as he is almost finishing his artwork for his friend. He kept on doing this for another few minutes, looking for any mistakes and any improvements for him to do. He kept on going, the last minute, he finally was done, and she spoke out.

"P-P-Phew. That was a little-le tough-ough for me to do. N-N-Now send it to my friend-iend."

Gradient said to himself, as he then pressed on a mailbox icon, and he than typed the name of his friend on the icon, and sent him the artwork, in order to see how he likes it. Gradient waited, until at 8:50 P.M, when he finally saw a message said on there. He pressed it, and he saw what the message said. And what it said really made Gradient smile. The message spoke this out.

'I saw the artwork you have given me, Gradient. I really love it. Keep up the good work that you are doing right there."

Gradient smiled, as he then texted back to the friend of his.

'Will do.'

He than submitted the text, and he than sighed, as he puts the tablet back inside of his own section of the Anti-Void, and needless to say, he is feeling so relieved right now. Relived in the fact that he is finally done with this thing, and he can now rest for a little bit. At least, he hopes they he can rest. After all, he does not want to jinx it out of complete nowhere and ruin it.

Gradient leaned his head against the tree that he is sitting on, as he looked up at the stars that are above the sky. He always liked the stars that are above him. It always means something to him in a way. Especially the stars in other Alternate Universe of Outertale. While the stars that he is seeing are not as beautiful as the ones that are within the Alternate Universe that takes place in outer space, they are still beautiful regardless. And needless to say, it is a beauty that he would always cherish. Gradient than looks up at the stars a little bit more, before he than began to make strings out of his eyes, and use them for his own personal entertainment.

 Gradient than looks up at the stars a little bit more, before he than began to make strings out of his eyes, and use them for his own personal entertainment

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The fact that Gradient can use his strings in his way is an incredible thing. Even though he does not done a use for them as of yet for more mundane tasks, Gradient manage to use them in ways for his hobbies, as he wound desire it. He clearly likes what he does a little bit too much, in the way that Gradient likes it.

When he is alone, he would use his strings to make different shapes and all that sort of stuff. Of course, he does use it for combat in his way. Thanks to Error, he can now use his magic at being able to control people like puppets, and taught Gradient everything that he knew of. Of course, this is after he got his superior and ancestor, Error404, to fuse both his original personality and the Error personality inside of himself, making him much more powerful and versatile than before. Gradient here, he is a perfect combination of destruction and creation in a way. This would, in a way, make him much more powerful than Ink and Error in the oast, beforehand hey had bee trained and having become stronger. But with them both at their current level, Gradient could prove to be one heck of a challenge of a challenge for the both of them, he cannot really be able to defeat his parents, even if it is just one of them that he is fighting against. In fact, to Gradeient when it comes to fighting, the only way to beat them, when in on a one on one right, would have to be by pure luck.

He Who Watches and the Polothorn of the Anti-Void (Righteous!Error x Union)Where stories live. Discover now