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Start from the beginning

Once Aven pulled up to the ball, she parked the car and walked Max to the door, seeing Dustin just hopping out of his car right in front of the entrance. Steve Harrington, the exact guy that she wanted to see, was driving, so she quickly rushed over to the driver-side window and stuck her head down, watching him jump with surprise.

"Meet you out here in a minute, all right?" Aven told him with a bright smile, her cheeks glowing in the night air.

"In a minute?" Steve questioned with a raised brow, tilting his head to the side with a pout.

"Yeah, I wanna go say hello to everyone. I'll be back soon, so don't drive off on me." She swore before reaching into the car and kissing him lightly, running through the school front doors with a wave in his direction.

She saw teenagers everywhere. Some were sitting on the bleachers, some were standing around the punch table, some were taking photos in fancy outfits, and some were dancing in the middle of the room. On that dance floor, she saw Lucas and Max with their hands around each other, Mike and Eleven slowly dancing through the large crowds, Will and a random brown-haired girl awkwardly rocking from side to side, but no Dustin. She soon spotted him though, sitting by himself in the corner of the room.

"You're looking dashing tonight, Sir Dustin." She joked as she approached him with a hand held out. He quickly wiped his tears and plastered on a smile, looking up at the girl through his blurry eyes.

"Aven? What are you doing here?" He asked with confusion as he abruptly stood up, adjusting his suit and small bowtie.

"I wanted to steal a dance with the coolest kid in town, come on." She muttered like it was obvious before leading him to the dance floor, placing her hands gently on his shoulders. He stood there with confusion until Aven, with a roll of her eyes, let go of him and placed his hands on her own hips. "Like this, see?"

He slowly nodded with a smile as she let her hands drop over his shoulders, looking around at all the younger girls now staring at the two of them.

"Now, I can't be here for long, because Steve will get mad. I don't want to deal with a mad Steve. But, girls this age are stupid. They don't know anything, especially their taste in guys. Soon though, they'll be all over you." She promised him with a comforting smile, him looking up into her bright blue eyes with his identical ones.

"You really think so?" He asked naively, like a child learning their ABC's.

"I know so. They're not worth it, wait until you find someone better." She advised him with a pat on the shoulder, swaying across the dance floor with the watchful eyes on them. Dustin hadn't seen them yet, but Aven was sure he would once she disappeared out the door. They would pounce on him.

"Like someone who's hotter than Phoebe Cates?" He suggested with a whimsical grin.

"Like someone who's hotter than Phoebe Cates." She confirmed with a giggle. They both started laughing with their heads tilted towards the floor before Aven pointed towards the food table. 

"I heard there was some good food over there, you should try some. It'll be gone before you know it." Aven suggested with a soft smile, knowing that Steve was impatiently waiting for her out at the car.

"Do they have nougat?" He questioned rapidly as he stood up on his tiptoes, trying to see over the ocean of teenager's heads at the table.

"They definitely do." 

And then, he was gone. Running over to the confections table with a beaming smile. On her way out, she made sure to say hello to the kids, all of them except Max and Lucas who were still dancing on the ballroom floor, lost in each other's eyes. She waved to Jonathan and Nancy who were busy doing their set jobs and rushed out the door, falling into the passenger seat of Steve's vehicle with a groan.

"Sorry, the girls were being bitches to Dustin so I danced with him." She explained as he started the car, looking over at her with a sly smirk.

"What a lucky kid." He whispered as a blush washed over the girl's nose.

The rest of the night was amazing for everyone. The kids had their dances and fun at the Snow Ball whilst Aven and Steve had a date at a small restaurant around the corner, sitting in their resigned booth for hours. It was fun, and what they all needed after the events of the Upside Down. They could only hope they'd done enough.

 They could only hope they'd done enough

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1411 words

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍; steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now