Me: I don't get why you like them so much.

Milly: Their fries are THE best!

Me: Okay, okay. Fair point. I'll meet you there.

I stood up, discarding my cigarette into my trash can. I left the office, getting into my Cadillac and driving towards the McDonalds.

It's been a good month, so she must be dying to have those fries. I can't exactly blame her, they're quite good.

Pulling up to the McDonalds, I parked the car and entered. I immediately noticed Milly, who was energetically waving towards me.

I walked over to her, sitting down with her.

"I already ordered for us." She smiled.

We've done this enough times for her to already know what I want.

"Thanks." I stated.

"So, what's so bad about today?" She asked.

"A really bad case. You don't really want to know about it." I sadly chuckled.

"Hit me." She stated.

"Fine. An eighteen-year old girl was murdered. Tortured before her death and found in the basement of her house." I explained.

"Oh, you're doing that one." Milly winced. "It's been all over the news."

"Not surprising. It's a big deal." I sighed.

"So, what has you figured out, my dear Sherlock?" She asked.

"You know I can't disclose details until the public knows." I stated.

"That's so stupid, I'm your wife." Milly pouted.

"And we're in the middle of a McDonalds. This isn't even the best time to talk about this." I sighed.

"It's the best time. You're able to relax." She smiled.

"No, I'm sure there are better times." I sweatdropped.

The food was suddenly placed on our table before the waiter walked off, going back to deliver some more food.

We started to eat our food. Milly chowed down those fries like a lawnmower on overdrive. I don't think I've ever seen fries been destroyed so quickly before.

Kind of scary...

As we left the fast food restaurant to head home, I got another call from Gordon.

"Give me a moment." I asked Milly, accepting the call. "Gordon? What's up?"

"We've apprehended a subject." Gordon stated.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"We started to ask them questions. And then she admitted to it." Gordon replied.

"She what?!" I gasped.

"Yeah. She admitted to it. She seems pretty loco too. She won't answer our questions though, except for the question of if she did it or not." Gordon sighed. "They want you to come in to see if you can get anything from her."

"Alright, fine. I'll be there in a moment." I stated.

I hung up.

"Work?" Milly worriedly asked.

"A person has admitted to the crime." I stated, still confused. "They're calling me in to try to get some info out of her."

"Good luck." Milly kissed my cheek.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I got back into my Cadillac, heading towards the police station. I couldn't help but have an unnerving feeling about this. Why would the person admit to it?

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now