Scene 5 - 2019

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We are back inside the TARDIS. The Doctor is busy at the controls as Jo helps out where she can to the Doctor and the Master, who continues resting against the wall. His head is laid back and breathes deeply.


You feeling better?


I'm fine, Doctor. I don't need to rest. You should have left me back there.


One good turn deserves another, don't you think? You won't be able to hold out the change forever, you know. One day it will come. You can live and go on, or die as you are.


Doctor, what was that horrid creature that attacked us?


The Dalek Supreme has a little collection of aggressively mutated beings from the radiation on their planet. It releases them across some of their conquered planets and is used as a guard dog by the Daleks.


They used to nickname it the Slyther.


Errr, yuck.


You don't need to worry about him anymore, Jo. Right now we are returning back to Earth, keeping well away from it.


The Dalek invasion commences in the year 2019 AD, Doctor. The invasion will come when the world is totally unprepared for it. All the major forces of the world would have been totally distracted by it. Those like UNIT, still around unfortunately, I mean gladly, would have been sent on a wild goose chase to the other side of the world when the saucers arrive. All satellite tracking would not have been able to pick it up either.


Like with your spaceship when you came and stole UNIT?


The Stealth Shield, an engineering development created by the conglomeration of the Fifteenth Scarlet Nebula Belt to hide themselves from enemy attack twenty thousand years ahead of your time and one hundred trillion lightyears away from your native planet, Ms Grant. Little use it turned out for them when we arrived. Adapted for masterful uses by yours humbly when we came to Earth.


And invisibility something else the Daleks would later consider when they tried to rebuild their Empire.




And where will the attack arrive?


None other than the capital of Britain. As always.


Then that settles it. We will head back to our time, and call the forces of UNIT to help defend the Earth thirty-nine years forward in the future. I only hope we can do what we can.

The year is now 2019. We look around the city from a bird's eye view, cutting from shot to shot of different areas of the city centre. We get to see shots from the sky of famous monuments such as the London Eye, St. Pauls Cathedral, Big Ben and Parliament, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, etc. We can see the busy city with traffic running through, in, and out of the central zone. Thousands of people wander through the streets. We then begin to hear the sound of a loud engine noise, something coming from the sky. People on the street look up into the clouds. A saucer was coming down over the city, the Dalek invasion of Earth was about to commence...

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