Scene 8 - Rescue

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The train whizzes past, still speeding at a phenomenal rate. It shakes uncontrollably, worsening the Doctor's progress at stopping the train. Jo tries to contact the Brigadier on her small grey walkie talkie.


Hello, Greyhound? Greyhound, do you read me?


Jo, pass me my Sonic Screwdriver, quick!

We view the perspective of the train's front, as it hurtles away down the track. Jo helps the Doctor and passes him his Sonic Screwdriver among the pile of equipment the Doctor may or may not have used. Not only is this some of the Doctor's gadgets, but also the grapple, and the ropes, etc.

Almost there, Jo!

They seem the expansion of more tracks as the train begins to arrive towards Marylebone station. The Doctor quickly closes all the panels below the console and grabs onto the controls.

Right, hang onto something tight.

He activates the brake mechanism, and it works! The wheels of the train screech horribly, but the train has begun decelerating, and with London Marylebone in sight. The Doctor and Jo cling on tightly as the train begins pulling up near the station. Eventually, the train comes to a halt. The Doctor and Jo are knocked down by the stopping force and breathe a sigh of relief.


Phew! Are you alright, Jo?


Fine thanks, Doctor. Well, we stopped it just in time.

The Doctor begins picking up some of his devices like the Sonic.


Yes. Telling the authorities of London Transport isn't going to be fun.


No. But what happened to the train? Why did it go out of control?


Well, seemed as though the panel had been tampered with, Jo. The controls for the brake and accelerator were faulty because of loose connections.


Ah. I mean, even I could have worked that one out, Doctor. I may not have passed science at A Level, but I can mend a fuse.


I'm sure you could Ms Grant. But from what it more it looked like; I would say that they had been sabotaged. Those circuits were meddled with.

Bertie arrives back at the cabin.


We're alive! You did it! Well done, Doctor!


My pleasure. Well, are the passengers alright?


A little shaken, but glad to be in one piece.


Good. It was fortunate that the circuitry had only been tampered with. If he went for the brake fluid let's say, then there wouldn't be any glad passengers, would there?




When I inspected the panel, I found the circuits had been loosely connected. It was no mechanical fault, driver. They had been deliberately sabotaged.


And you think?


Well, you were alone in the cabin when things started to go awry.


Ridiculous. Why would I want to sabotage my own train? I've been doing this job for years.


We will wait for what the Minister of Transport will have to say, won't we?

The Driver leaves in an angry mood.


Is there any proof that he could have sabotaged the train, Doctor?


He was alone after all. You could use fingerprints, but by now they'll just fine mine that has gone over them, so that won't be any good.


And that's another thing, how did he know you were called the Doctor? We never said anything about names.


No, you're right. I think we'd better make a check about this driver and his train.



Jo leaves the cabin and into the first carriage of passengers. She is appalled! In front of her lie dead bodies of shrunken people left on the floor and on seats. Worst still is that she finds the apparently dead corpse of the shrunken Bertie close to her. She is stunned at what she sees and realizes the same would have happened to the rest of the others on the train. A voice from behind calls, a very familiar voice indeed...


Well, Ms Grant?

She turns around and sees the driver standing behind her. He then peels off his face to reveal the face of the Master! The Master points his Tissue Compression Eliminator at Jo, and the device flashes its ray at her. Meanwhile, the Morok ship has begun leaving Earth. Bal and Ten program the controls for the craft to leave the planet. The engines are operating and gurgling as the ship takes to the stars.


Speed is now being gained considerably quickly.


Course coordinates relayed.


Returning to Xeros.


Leaving Earth's gravitational pull now.


Good. We are returning to the home planet, with our very special cargo aboard.

On a monitor, we view the UNIT members held captive in the glass containers as the ship was leaving Earth...

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