Scene 7 - Cell Together

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We are inside a small dark room with an entrance a tiny little hatch only a metre big. The Doctor and the Master crouch down as they are forced inside. They sit down as the hatch seals back. Almost entire blackness fills the space, but we can still see the Doctor and the Master.


Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless!


Not necessarily. We could always find a way out of this. Or do you want to hide yourself in here for the rest of your life?


And instead I'd be having to listen with you for eternity.


That's right. Now you know how Ms Grant and I feel whenever you pour out your grand schemes to us.


Alright. What can we do?


Well, after getting out of here, we need to process all the life forms and return them and the stolen property back to where they belong.


Out of the question, Doctor.


You'll just have to think up another plan to rule the universe, won't you?


How can the Moroks have discovered what happened? They do not have the ability to resist my hypnotics.


Seems as though some of them have. And I imagine they'll be trying to rid of everything you have done, including the release of my friends.


I'm not concerned with you or your precious UNIT, Doctor. You can let that Brigadier play around with his toy soldiers all he likes. All I'm interested in is returning to my TARDIS and escaping off this lump full of junk.


You wouldn't stand a very good chance with such an efficiently programed Dalek exterminating everything in its way. It would kill you as easily as it would kill the Moroks. Now if you help me to release Jo, the Brigadier, and his men, you will be able to stop the Dalek and save us all.

The Master stops to think for a moment.


It's worth a try. Anything is better than leaving a walking death machine to skulk around out there.


That's a rather hypocritic comparison coming from you.

More Moroks run from the Dalek as it comes down the corridors after them.



It's gun fires, killing another party of Moroks dead. They fall to the ground in agony. Moid and his colleagues arrive at the UNIT troops. We do not see the person inside the glass container beside Corporal Bell.


These soldiers and their weapons will make fine resistance against the Dalek. They are trained to fight.


That one is new. She is not one of the fighters.

We are revealed to see Jo inside, frozen in suspended animation! As more Moroks hurry away, we see the Dalek chasing them, and hearing its gun firing as it exterminates more of them. Back in the cell, the Doctor uses his Sonic Screwdriver to open the hatch. He presses it down, and the hatch sparks a little explosion.


Which is the way to them?


Follow me.

The Master pushes the entrance out and takes a look outside cautiously. He can see no Moroks, and no Dalek. Death and exterminations, the cry of dying screams, and energy weapons being fired can be heard in the far distance.

Right, out Doctor.

The Doctor comes out.

It's not far from here. Although the processing might be child's play to the Moroks, I think we might be in time to save Ms Grant.

The Doctor and Master run down the corridor, headed in our direction...

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