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When I arrive in Mr. Jeon's office, he is already sitting in his chair. Piles of sheets are scattered on his table, but they are so neatly arranged that you would probably find directly what you are looking for with one look.

This is my first time in this room and to be honest, I'm pretty excited. It feels like a present because not everyone has the opportunity to enter the room as Mr. Jeon has strict rules. The only time you might be called into his office is either you're his secretary or you get fired. And I hope so much that it won't be the second one for me.

I love my job and I can't imagine working anywhere else. I've been hired here for five years and I've always done my job well. God, I can already feel my palms starting to sweat.

The room is spacious and large, just as you would expect from a CEO. The only thing that strikes me is that there is no sign of personal possessions. No decorations, no pictures.

The windows are floor to ceiling, as in the rest of the building, and his desk is right in front of it, providing him with plenty of natural light. Two chairs in front of his table probably allow his occasional visitors a place to sit. Against one wall of the room is a two-seater sofa of dark brown leather with a small coffee table in front of it.

I walk with cautious steps in Mr. Jeon's direction, but he pays no attention as if he has forgotten that he called me into his office. Perhaps, he is so concentrated on his work that he does not sense my presence.

He signs one file after another and I wonder how he manages to put his signature in the right place so quickly and neatly.

I link my hands and clear my throat. "Um, Mr. Jeon?"

He stops to sign the papers for a moment but then continues again without looking up at me. I wonder if I accidentally broke his concentration and if I should wait in silence until he addresses me.

He lets out a breath before gathering the papers in front of him into a neat stack and placing the next stack in front of him. "I need a meeting with Stan & Co. It's convenient for me this week Friday. If not, tell them I can do Wednesday at eleven next week. Also, the photoshoot with Vogue needs to be postponed. Probably by a week."

I nod to each of the things he says sequentially as if shot out of a gun. I know Stan & Co. We worked together many times in the past when our company was having financial problems. They became our sponsor and in return, we designed the billboards for their golf equipment company.

But I'm not sure why Mr. Jeon is telling me this of all people.

I blink. He's still not looking at me. "With all due respect, sir. Why are you telling me all this?"

"Ms. Crawford will not be working with us from now on," he says. Poor Tiffany, I wonder if she's still sitting outside the door crying. "I need someone to do these things for me because my schedule is hectic. I don't want any delays."

"I understand." I nod, scrunching up my face. "But why me? I don't have experience with any of this because I work on the creative team."

"You were the first one I saw when I came out of the room." he sighs as his hand still smoothly glides over all the sheets.

He stops, picks up the next stack, signs them. It seems like piecework, and I'm not sure I'd enjoy it as a CEO. I'm happy with my job as a creative team member. Well, now somehow also as a secretary? Assistant?

I'm so confused. And I'm already stressing myself out just thinking about the fact that I have a thousand other things to do. I have to send in my ideas for the next project, I have to finish April's half of the presentation, and now this.

Sauvage | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now