"Are you messing with me again?" She questions, disbelief lacing her tone.

I cock my head. "Am I?" She frowns and I heave a sigh, "No, I'm not messing with you. Do you think I enjoy your stench?" I don't bother letting her answer that question, instead I snap my fingers and point toward the ceiling. "Up. Now."

She slowly gets to her feet, digging her fingers into the concrete wall to help stable her unsteady legs. Dressed in a black shirt, cargo pants and combat boots and decorated in bruises and blood— she reminds me of a wounded soldier rising from the battlefield. I grab her upper arm and guide her to the staircase where she struggles up the stairs but doesn't complain once. I'd say if Toni had taken it easy on her I would've had to work for the address she so willingly gave me. If she hadn't been so weak, she wouldn't have folded without a little prodding. I'll have to speak to Toni later about spoiling my fun.

The bathroom on the main floor doesn't have a shower and she'll need clothes to change into so I take her to the second floor of my house. Her eyes flick around, searching for possible exits and hidden cameras. I fight a smirk at the sight, so vigilant. Oh, sweet topolina, don't even think about it, you'll never make it out alive. What a waste that would be to have to kill her so quickly.

When we step inside my ensuite I turn the shower on and let it warm up for her. I can be accommodating when it suits me.

"You can either strip or get in with your clothes on, but the boots have to go." I say.

She reaches down and removes her combat boots and socks, her hands shaky. I motion for her to step inside the glass shower once her feet are bare and release my hold on her as she steps under the water. She pushes her hair away from her face, grabs the shampoo, and lathers it in her scarlet flecked blonde tresses.

I stare at her, my face expressionless as she stands before me. The clothes that cover her body swallow her frame, the fabric soaked from the spray of the shower. Soap bubbles wash away the mixture of sweat, blood and urine from her, disappearing down the same drain her cousin's blood had only fifteen minutes before. It wasn't the first time I'd made someone piss themselves by being in my presence but it was by far my favorite. God, the fear in her eyes in that moment was unlike anything I'd seen before. I could tell she fought the feeling, tried her best to ignore it but once she let it show it shined like a beacon in the depths of her eyes and I quickly found myself lost in them.

"Are you done?" I ask calmly, my gaze focused on the droplets of water that cling to her eyelashes once she'd fully cleaned herself as much as she could while still dressed.

She nods silently and I shut the shower off before grabbing a towel and wrapping the thick cotton around her body. "I don't trust you. I won't leave the room, I won't turn around. You'll have to undress like this. Can you do that?" I ask, curious as to whether or not I'll get a glimpse of that fire again.

Her brow dips angrily, her eyes hard and cold like frosted glass as they stare me down. "No." The word is sharp and final, as if she's the one in charge here.

I grip her jaw tightly, digging my fingertips into her flesh, hoping it bruises so I can see the blue splotches paint her pale skin knowing they're from me. It's unfair that Toni marred her body before I could. "If I wanted to rape you, I could have already. I could have forced you onto the floor, pinned you down until all you could feel was my weight and then rammed my cock inside your tight cunt so hard you'd bleed. Undress now or I'll undress you myself." I demand lowly.

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