minor thing

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"There she is again" I say into my communication device. I've been ordered to follow someone for over a month now. She is an Avenger, at least... that's what I'm told. They really don't tell me anything.

"what is she doing" my.. well you could say boss, but I prefer 'person who gives me a job' asks.

"chill out, she's just drinking her coffee.. like she does every morning" I say annoyed. "I don't know what you want with her. She seems normal, and I do not feel like waiting here every morning to watch her drink coffee" I tell him, through the device hiding in my ear.

"don't tell me to chill out. I told you already, she is an Avenger. We need to know.... Stuff" he tells me with an angry voice.

I stop looking through my binoculars. I started walking down the stairs along the building I was standing on spying on the woman. "what are you doing?!" he yells in my ear piece, but I ignore him.

"I told you sit and watch!" he tries. When I've walked down I go up to coffee shop where the woman in question gets her coffee every morning. I take a quick scan and see that she is sat down in the park right next to the shop. After my scan I walk up to the lady behind the counter. "hi can I just get a coffee to go please" I ask her nicely. "we'll get that right on for you, what name can I use?"

Name. my name. "y/n" only I can be stupid enough to use my real name. "use your real name, great" my.. boss says in my ear piece. I kind of forgot he was still listening. I took the earpiece out and when I got my coffee I subtly threw it in the trash can.

I went over to the park and walked around for a while. I walked around until I knew for sure she couldn't see me anymore. I untied my shoe and walked back to the bench she sat on.

I pretended to almost trip over my shoe lace when I walked in front of her. "shit" I say as I 'trip'. "you need any help?" she asks. "if you could just hold my coffee for a second. Thank you" she took my coffee as I tied my shoe. "I've been running a while, it's a miracle I only almost tripped when I'm walking" I laughed, as I made awkward small talk.

She smiled "jut be careful, you don't want to end up in the hospital over a loose shoelace"

"thank you" I say, and walk away. "oh uh wait" she stops me.

Of course, she still has my coffee. I turn around. "coffee.. ah thanks again"

"it's no problem" she smiles. "hey uhmm. I don't know if this is weird, but.. do you maybe want to grab some coffee sometimes..?" I ask. If she doesn't say yes. My.. 'boss' is gonna kill me. First I completely ignore his plan and then I fuck this up..

"yeah, sure why not"

Oh she agreed.

"great, how 'bout tomorrow?"

"fine by me"

"2 pm?"

"it's a date" she says as she walks away.

I don't get what this woman could have done to make my... 'boss' want her killed. Oh yeah. Forgot to mention that I was hired to kill her. But that's only a minor thing. Right?

so this is  bid short, but it needed to end so i could start the next part better. sooooooo yeah next part is gonna be up in a few.. still working on that :)

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