"Because i am your girlfriend" P2.

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This is part 2 :)

All eyes were on me. The other Avengers Bruce, Clint and even Thor joint us in the cell room.  "i get that it's a lot to take in, but can I at least come out of the cel?" I ask. Yes. I'm still in the cell. Bruce went to open my door but Steve stopped him "we don't know if we can trust her" he tells him. "oh come on. What do I need to do to win your trust? I've told you thing I couldn't have known if I didn't know who you were" I tell them.

"let's take a vote" Tony says. They al walk back a bit and go to discuss. "Natasha are you coming?" Thor asked. She just walked away. When she's about to turn around the corner she says "she can come out if it were up to me" for some reason that made me smile.

I've told them about my powers so walking back wouldn't even make a difference but I choose not to use my ability to overhear their discussion.

About 5 minutes later they walk over to my cell. They all watch me very closely, until Steve opens my door. "we don't completely trust you, but you do have a point. You couldn't have known those things if you didn't know us. You won't be completely free, cause we think that -just like you- we have questions and if your willing to work with us we can figure out what happened" Steve said in his Cap voice.

"sir yes sir" I say jokingly. He didn't laugh.

I've noticed that I'm not alone at all times. It's been a week since 'my release' and everywhere I go I have one of the avengers around me. The only one who hasn't said a single word to me is Natasha. I get that it is a lot to take in, but it's very hard for me to not just jump into her arms or kiss her.


It's dinner time and I'm waiting at the table, since I can't go anywhere alone I just wait. For a change Natasha walks in first and sits opposite of me. I'm scrolling on my phone, but I can feel her staring at me. I look up and she doesn't look away. "wassup?" I say as normal as possible. "I just-" she started. I could see she was struggling to find words so I give her a comforting look. She takes a deep breath and continues "how long were we together?" she asks.

I didn't see this question coming so it took me by surprise "oh uhm. Well for me we still are, but 9 no 10 months. Yeah, 10 months" I tell her and I could see her getting sad. "but that's oke. We just need to find out what the hell happened so we can go back"

She sadly smiles.

Eventually the other Avengers join us at the dinner table and we all eat. Before all of this happened Nat practically begged me to at least be friends with Clint, because she is so close to him. After a while Clint became my best friend and like the brother I never had. Since I know almost everything about all of them it's easy to become friends. So Clint and I are getting there, I think.

"I don't know how to say this, but I do really think that she was an Avenger and I think we should give her more freedom" Thor suddenly says.

"I don't know.." Bruce says quietly.

"well it's not like J.A.R.V.I.S. wouldn't be paying attention at all times sooo... I think that's okay" Tony says after stuffing his face with pasta.

"well y/n. what do you think?" Steve asks me.

"is that even a question?!" I say happily. "then that's settled, you don't need someone to watch over you everywhere you go" Thor says. "thank you"

Its a bit short but yeh. Hope you like it, i did this in the train :)

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