Chapter 45: Second Star to the Right

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Flashback: London, England- 19th century

In nineteenth-century London, England, a green portal open and Baelfire fell through and he looked around at his new surroundings.

In nineteenth-century London, England, a green portal open and Baelfire fell through and he looked around at his new surroundings

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"Papa? Papa!" Baelfire called out.

As he stood up straight looking at the bear a horse-drawn carriage rode by, "Out of the road!" A man shouted.

Baelfire leapt out of the way as the carriage rode past, he noticed a sign which read Kensington Gardens, "What is this place?" Baelfire asked as he held the teddy and looked around.

Baelfire leapt out of the way as the carriage rode past, he noticed a sign which read Kensington Gardens, "What is this place?" Baelfire asked as he held the teddy and looked around

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Six months have passed and Baelfire was living on the streets, cold and hungry.

He walked along a street and noticed an opened window of a wealthy family's house. He snuck over and climbed into the window, he noticed a table with several loaves of bread and he walked over, began to eat the bread when a dog began to bark from under the table and a girl entered.

"Stop!" She grabbed a heavy object, "Who are you? What do you want?"She asked.

"Please, I don't mean any harm. I was just..." Baelfire said and dropped a loaf of bread.

"Oh..." She put the object down, "You're hungry," She handed him the tray of bread, "Here. Take as much as you like," She said.

"Really?" Baelfire said in surprise.

She laughed softly, "Well, I'm not about to let you starve to death. What's your name?" She said.

"Bae," Baelfire said.

"Bae? How unusual. I'm Wendy. Wendy Darling," Wendy said and Baelfire smiled at her.

 Wendy Darling," Wendy said and Baelfire smiled at her

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