"Are you tired of standing?" The Grim Reaper's voice is smooth and soft, as deep as you'd assume it would be for such an evil being. He seems gentle, his tone soothing as if he truly cares about my answer and my well being but I know it's fake. He's playing with me and I'm starting to feel delirious from blood loss. "Your legs are trembling. Half of your face is bathed in blood, do you feel dizzy yet? I can stitch the wound for you, it will help." He says when I don't answer his question.

I fight a frown, why is he acting like this? I've seen his anger, he talked about carving my body up with his knife just hours ago. I know he's ruthless, he revels in pushing people to the brink of death and keeping them there for weeks, much longer than anyone else in the criminal world could ever manage. They say he's precise with the wounds he inflicts, as if he knows exactly where to cut and how deep he can go. I can picture him studying surgical books meant for medical students, taking in each page and committing it all to memory.

"Are you okay?" He asks with that gentle tone.

He wasn't talking softly when I saw him earlier but he was also enraged that I had the ovaries to break into their little community and put Nolani in harm's way. Guilt wraps its fingers tightly around my throat and gives it a squeeze, taunting me. I hate that because of me she's probably dead by now.

"I'm not going to hurt you—" he cuts himself off with a sharp laugh that pierces my heart and flips my fear switch without my consent. Shit. "Cazzo, I tried, I really tried." He mutters, a malicious smile tilting his lips.

(Cazzo: fuck)

When he directs his amber eyes at me they aren't cold any longer. They're burning bright with hellfire, excitement glimmering in the depths. I feel a warm trickle of liquid down my leg and pinch my eyes closed in horror.


"Oh, topolina, I made you all wet. I'd say it was the first time I've gotten that reaction out of someone but, sadly, it isn't." He taunts, his voice low.

(Topolina: little mouse)

Damn it. I haven't peed on myself since I first started my fathers conditioning but here I am shackled to the wall in front of the Grim Reaper, my pants soaked with urine like a toddler in the beginning stages of potty training.

He flashes me a Cheshire Cat smile. "If you're wet now I can't wait to see your reaction to my tools when we play."

The sexual innuendo laced into his words only scares me more. He truly is going to rape me isn't he? Why would I think differently? I was an idiot to think he wouldn't. He's made man and I'm at his mercy, they always get what they want.

"My brother's pet is gone because of you, my nephew's lives are in danger. I don't like when people screw with my family, it puts them on my bad side and, topolina, believe me when I say you do not want to be on my bad side. You won't make it out alive."

I don't know a single thing about the Italian language so topolina means nothing to me. I can only guess it's something degrading, like whore or cunt but it's so close to my actual name it only unsettles me more. He's said it multiple times now so it can't be anything good.

"I won't make it out alive regardless." I say, my voice coming out stronger than I expect it to.

His eyebrows raise. "She finally talks again. For a minute there I thought Toni cut your tongue out without my permission, wouldn't be the first time. His tolerance for bullshit is low and judging by the state of his face I'd say you gave him a good dose of it." His fingers tap on his thigh in a short rhythm, the sound muffled by the fabric of his expensive suit. "I know you've heard about me. I know you know what I'm capable of, how far I will push you. Tell me where Alexei took Nolani and I won't drag your death out for weeks like I'm itching to."

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